USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2025

classes begin
registration begins

Community-Based Learning Courses

The following courses may include a community placement to help students learn how to develop and apply knowledge, work in diverse social settings, become engaged in civic affairs, explore possible career paths, and make professional contacts. Please note that this list is tentative and that specific course requirements often vary by professor. For a list of courses partnering with the USC Joint Educational Project in the current semester, please visit

Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

AMST 101gmw Race and Class in Los Angeles
AMST 252gmw Black Social Movements in the U.S.
ANTH 201 Principles of Human Organization
BISC 102Lxg Humans and Their Environment
BISC 150Lxg The Nature of Human Health and Disease
BUAD 280 Introduction to Financial Accounting
COLT 302 Introduction to Literary Theory
COLT 374gm Women Writers in Europe and America
COMM 324mw Intercultural Communication
ECON 203g Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 205g Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 303 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ENGL 230 Shakespeare and His Times
ENGL 261g English Literature to 1800
ENGL 262g English Literature since 1800
ENGL 263g American Literature
ENGL 298g Introduction to the Genre of Fiction
ENGL 303 Introduction to Fiction Writing
ENGL 304 Introduction to Poetry Writing
ENGL 405 Fiction Writing
ENGL 406 Poetry Writing
ENGL 430 Shakespeare
ENST 100g Introduction to Environmental Studies
ENST 150gx Environmental Issues in Society
ENST 320ab Water and Soil Sustainability; Energy and Air Sustainability
ENST 387 Economics for Natural Resources and the Environment
GEOL 105Lg Planet Earth
GEOL 107Lg Oceanography
GEOL 108Lg Crises of a Planet
GEOL 130Lg The Nature of Scientific Inquiry
GEOL 160Lg Introduction to Geosystems
GEOL 240Lg Earthquakes
GESM 120g Seminar in Humanistic Inquiry
GESM 130g Seminar in Social Analysis (Sociology of Youth, Culture)
GESM 131g Seminar in Social Analysis (Introduction to Education: Examining Critical Issues)
HBIO 200Lg The Human Animal
HBIO 202Lg Nutrition for Life
HBIO 205Lxg The Science of Sport
HBIO 250 The Pharmacology of Performance Enhancing Drugs
HBIO 301L Human Anatomy
HBIO 302L Nutrition and Metabolism
HBIO 320 Muscle Physiology
HBIO 360 Nutrition and Disease
HBIO 400L Motor Control and Learning
HBIO 405 Evolutionary Medicine
HBIO 420L Applied Human Physiology
HIST 100gm The American Experience
HIST 101gp State and Society in the Ancient World
HIST 210gw How to Be An American: Global Histories of U.S. Citizenship
HIST 361 20th Century U.S. History
IR 101gxw International Relations
IR 310 Peace and Conflict Studies
IR 330 Politics of the World Economy
PHIL 166gw Current Moral and Social Issues
PHIL 168g The Meaning of Life
PHIL 260gw Ethical Theory and Practice
POSC 110 Ideology and Political Conflict
POSC 323 Applied Politics
PSYC 100Lg Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 165Lg Drugs, Behavior and Society
PSYC 353g Close Relationships
PSYC 355 Social Psychology
PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 433 Children’s Learning and Cognitive Development
PSYC 462m Culture and Mental Health
SOCI 150gm Social Problems
SOCI 155gm Immigrant America
SOCI 169gm Changing Family Forms
SOCI 305m Sociology of Childhood
SOCI 342m Race Relations
SOCI 350 Social Exclusion, Social Power, and Deviance
SOCI 351 Public Policy and Juvenile Justice
SOCI 360m Social Inequality: Class, Status, and Power
SOCI 369 The Family in a Changing Society
SOCI 450 Non-Governmental Organizations/Non-profits Field Practicum
SOCI 465 Visual Sociology of the City and Its Residents
SPAN 220 Spanish III
SPAN 240 Spanish IV
SPAN 316x Spanish for the Professions
SSCI 165Lgw Sustainability Science in the City
SSCI 265Lg The Water Planet
WRIT 150 Writing and Critical Reasoning–Thematic Approaches

Viterbi School of Engineering

ITP 115 Programming in Python
ITP 216 Applied Python

Price School of Public Policy

PPD 240g Citizenship and Public Ethics

USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

OT 220 Lifestyle Design: Introduction to Occupational Therapy
OT 250 Introduction to Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
OT 251x Across the Lifespan: Occupations, Health and Disability
OT 280 Essential Occupations of Emerging Adulthood
OT 310 Creativity Workshop
OT 312 Creating a Sustainable Lifestyle
OT 325 The Brain: Mind, Body, and Self
OT 355 Occupational Reconstructions and Social Transformations
OT 370 Understanding Autism: Participation Across the Lifespan

Keck School of Medicine of USC

HP 408 Environmental Health in the Community
HP 448 Global Environmental Changes and Health
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