USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2025

classes begin
registration begins

English 230g:

Shakespeare and His Times (4.0 units)

Close study of Shakespeare's plays and poems to introduce his language, stagecraft, literary "genius," social and literary contexts, precursors and rivals, and legacy.
  • General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
32627R001Lecture2:00-3:20pmMon, Wed80 of 92Steven MinasSOSB2session datesbook list
32628R001Discussion12:00-12:50pmFriday21 of 25Isaias Uggetti Erazosession dates
32629R001Discussion1:00-1:50pmFriday9 of 25Isaias Uggetti ErazoGFS104session dates
25 of 25
Amelia CruzDMC206session dates
25 of 25
Amelia CruzTHH217session dates
Information accurate as of December 18, 2024 3:53 am.
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