USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2025

classes begin
registration begins

Electrical and Computer Engineering 559:

Machine Learning I: Supervised Methods (4.0 units)

Distribution-free and probabilistic methods for supervised classification and regression; learning algorithms; optimization techniques; feature-space transformations; parametric and nonparametric methods; Bayes decision theory; artificial neural networks.
30490R048Lecture12:00-1:50pmTue, Thu90 of 120Mohammad Reza RajatiOHE122PDF (242880 KB)session dates
30561D034Lecture12:00-1:50pmTue, Thu2 of 20Mohammad Reza RajatiDEN@ViterbiPDF (242880 KB)session dates
30565R048Discussion11:00-11:50amFriday90 of 120OHE122session dates
30489D034Discussion11:00-11:50amFriday2 of 20DEN@Viterbisession dates
Information accurate as of March 10, 2025 8:46 pm.
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