Computer Science 571:
Web Technologies (4.0 units)
Advanced study of programming languages with application to the Web. Languages for client-side and server-side processing. Examples taken from: HTML, Java, JavaScript, Python, JSON, NodeJS and others.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
30378R | 048 | Lecture | 5:30-7:20pm | Tue, Thu | 163 of 170 | Marco Papa | SGM124 | PDF (395102 KB) | |
30322R | 048 | Lecture | 7:30-9:20pm | Tue, Thu | 68 of 70 | Marco Papa | SGM124 | ||
30016D | 034 | Lecture | 5:30-7:20pm | Tue, Thu | 15 of 30 | Marco Papa | DEN@Viterbi |