Civil Engineering 569:
Project Controls (4.0 units)
Project controls principles including costs and schedules, cost engineering concepts, schedule development, status evaluation, progress monitoring and responses to variances and changes.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
29613D | 048 | Lecture | 6:00-9:40pm | Thursday | 11 of 11 | Devang Dedhia | OHE100B | PDF (326363 KB) | |
29614D | 034 | Lecture | 6:00-9:40pm | Thursday | 10 of 10 | Devang Dedhia | DEN@Viterbi | PDF (326363 KB) | |
29841R | 048 | Lecture | 6:00-9:40pm | Thursday | 11 of 20 | Lucio Soibelman | KAP138 |