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Economics (ECON)
- Undergraduate Economics Majors: D-clearance available via Pre-Requisite Waivers available via your assigned academic advisor on AdviseUSC. Undergraduate Non-Economics Majors: D-clearance and Pre-Requisite Waivers available via Master's Students: D-clearance available via Master's Program Advisors: Doctoral Students: D-clearance available via PhD Program Advisor:
The philosophical foundations of modern political and economic thought, including economic rationality, neoclassical economics, free-market vs. socialist economies and behavioral economics.
- General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
- Crosslist: This course is offered by the PHIL department but may qualify for major credit in ECON. To register, enroll in PHIL 101.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
49365R | 001 | Lecture-Discussion | 9:30-10:50am | Tue, Thu | 32 of 32 | Scott Soames, Thomas Chaney | WPHB30 | PDF (240398 KB) |
Behavior of firms and consumers, functions of the price system, competition and monopoly, labor markets, poverty, government regulation, international trade, and the environment.
- General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
- Note: Register for one lecture and one discussion listed immediately following that lecture
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26000R | 001 | Lecture | 3:30-4:45pm | Tue, Thu | 92 of 100 | Lodovico Pizzati | GFS106 | ||
26002R | 001 | Discussion | 10:00-10:50am | Friday | 21 of 25 | KAP163 | |||
26004R | 001 | Discussion | 11:00-11:50am | Friday | 24 of 25 | KAP163 | |||
26006R | 001 | Discussion | 12:00-12:50pm | Friday | 23 of 25 | KAP166 | |||
26012R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Wednesday | 24 of 25 | GFS108 | |||
26001R | 001 | Lecture | 8:30-9:45am | Mon, Wed | 100 of 100 | Yilmaz Kocer | MRF340 | PDF (445614 KB) | |
26014R | 001 | Discussion | 10:00-10:50am | Friday | 22 of 22 | KAP145 | |||
26016R | 001 | Discussion | 11:00-11:50am | Friday | 27 of 27 | KAP145 | |||
26024R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Tuesday | 25 of 25 | GFS104 | |||
26026R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Thursday | 26 of 26 | GFS107 |
Unemployment, inflation and output determination and links.Effects of government taxation and spending on growth, investment,saving, consumption, and trade.
- General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
- Note: Register for one lecture and one discussion listed immediately following that lecture
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26044R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:15pm | Mon, Wed | 89 of 100 | Lodovico Pizzati | SGM101 | ||
26050R | 001 | Discussion | 12:00-12:50pm | Friday | 24 of 25 | GFS109 | |||
26054R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Monday | 19 of 25 | GFS105 | |||
26056R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Wednesday | 23 of 25 | GFS105 | |||
26058R | 001 | Discussion | 11:00-11:50am | Friday | 23 of 25 | KAP158 | |||
26062R | 001 | Lecture | 12:30-1:45pm | Tue, Thu | 102 of 102 | Jaime Meza | THH102 | ||
26072R | 001 | Discussion | 10:00-10:50am | Friday | 28 of 28 | KAP148 | |||
26074R | 001 | Discussion | 11:00-11:50am | Friday | 23 of 23 | KAP141 | |||
26080R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Tuesday | 29 of 29 | KAP147 | |||
26081R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Thursday | 22 of 22 | GFS104 |
Decision-making by business firms, consumer preferences and behavior, uncertainty, competition, monopoly, labor and resource markets, efficient resource allocation, externalities, and government policy.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26082R | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Mon, Wed | 53 of 53 | Ergin Bayrak | GFS118 | ||
26083R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Tue, Thu | 48 of 49 | Daniel Bennett | GFS116 | ||
26085R | 001 | Lecture | 4:00-5:20pm | Tue, Thu | 50 of 50 | Ergin Bayrak | ZHS163 | ||
26086R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 53 of 53 | Hao Yin | THH116 | PDF (304983 KB) |
The determinants of aggregate income, employment, and inflation;economic fluctuations; fiscal and monetary policy; financialmarkets; the national debt.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26089R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Tue, Thu | 56 of 56 | Ladan Masoudie | THH116 | PDF (270577 KB) | |
26090R | 001 | Lecture | 3:30-4:50pm | Mon, Wed | 56 of 56 | Mark Moore | SOSB2 | ||
26092R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 56 of 56 | Mark Moore | THH210 |
Introduction to statistical methods appropriate for analyzing economic data: probability theory, random variables and probability distributions, sampling, estimation, statistical inference.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26093R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 64 of 64 | Manochehr Rashidian | SOSB4 | ||
26094R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Tue, Thu | 60 of 60 | Lodovico Pizzati | THH116 | ||
26096R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Mon, Wed | 56 of 57 | Manochehr Rashidian | VPD116 |
Application of statistical methods to economic data: estimating economic relationships using regression analysis, testing hypotheses involving economic behavior, forecasting economic variables.
- Prerequisite: ECON 317
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26101R | 001 | Lecture | 8:00-9:20am | Mon, Wed | 48 of 51 | Manochehr Rashidian | VPD116 | ||
26102R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Monday | 28 of 28 | GFS107 | |||
26104R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Wednesday | 20 of 23 | KAP137 | |||
26097R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Mon, Wed | 65 of 65 | Adam Kaufman | THH212 | ||
26099R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Thursday | 29 of 29 | WPHB36 | |||
26299R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Tuesday | 36 of 36 | KOH208 | |||
26105R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Tue, Thu | 57 of 57 | Ratika Narag | DMC156 | PDF (115920 KB) | |
26311R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Wednesday | 29 of 29 | GFS107 | |||
26312R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Monday | 28 of 28 | GFS104 | |||
26103R | 001 | Lecture | 8:30-9:50am | Mon, Wed | 12 of 49 | Cheng Hsiao | DMC100 | Word (17723 KB) | |
26313R | 001 | Discussion | 6:00-6:50pm | Tuesday | 12 of 26 | KAP166 |
Analyze varied industries using legal, business, and economic principles. Emphasis is on how these forces shape marketing strategies.
- Prerequisite: 1 from (ECON 203 or ECON 351 or BUAD 351)
- Crosslist: This course is offered by the MKT department but may qualify for major credit in ECON. To register, enroll in MKT 333.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
16460R | 001 | Lecture | 4:00-5:50pm | Mon, Wed | 30 of 48 | D. Sokol | JFF322 |
Central topics in the philosophy of economics, including models of economic rationality, the aggregation of preferences and the conditions in which markets yield undesirable outcomes.
- Crosslist: This course is offered by the PHIL department but may qualify for major credit in ECON. To register, enroll in PHIL 339.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
49514R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Tue, Thu | 30 of 30 | Jake Monaghan | MRF229 |
Causes of economic underdevelopment: historical, institutional, structural, ideological, technological, cultural. Patterns and theories of development. Role of government, international trade, and education in economic growth.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26106R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Tue, Thu | 45 of 72 | John Strauss | THH212 | PDF (223811 KB) |
Development and business applications of: theory of the firm; theory of the consumer; inter-temporaldecisions; decisions under risk; market failures; industrial and enterprise structure. Prerequisites: MATH 118 or MATH 125 or MATH 126 or MATH 226. Not for major credit for: Economics, Economics/Mathematics, Social Sciences (Economics). Duplicates credit in BUAD 351.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26346R | 001 | Lecture | 8:00-9:20am | Tue, Thu | 75 of 75 | Erin Kaplan | JFFLL105 | ||
26347R | 001 | Lecture | 9:30-10:50am | Tue, Thu | 75 of 75 | Erin Kaplan | JFFLL105 | ||
26348R | 001 | Lecture | 11:00-12:20pm | Tue, Thu | 73 of 75 | Mohammad Safarzadeh | JFFLL105 | ||
26349R | 001 | Lecture | 12:30-1:50pm | Tue, Thu | 75 of 75 | Erin Kaplan | JFFLL125 | ||
26350R | 001 | Lecture | 12:30-1:50pm | Tue, Thu | 75 of 75 | Odilon Camara | JFFLL105 | ||
26351R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Tue, Thu | 72 of 75 | Mohammad Safarzadeh | JFFLL125 | ||
26352R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Tue, Thu | 75 of 75 | Odilon Camara | JFFLL105 | ||
26353R | 001 | Lecture | 3:30-4:50pm | Mon, Wed | 70 of 70 | Matthew Hill | HOH2 | ||
26354R | 001 | Lecture | 3:30-4:50pm | Tue, Thu | 59 of 75 | Mohammad Safarzadeh | JFFLL125 | ||
26355R | 001 | Lecture | 5:00-6:20pm | Mon, Wed | 70 of 70 | Matthew Hill | HOH2 | ||
26356R | 001 | Lecture | 5:00-6:20pm | Tue, Thu | 75 of 75 | Rahsan Akbulut | JFFLL125 |
Theoretical development and significance to business and markets of economic growth; inflation;unemployment; monetary and fiscal policy; business cycles; savings and investment; exchange rates. Corequisite: ECON 351. Recommended preparation: introductory economics course, high school math, and algebra. Not for major credit for: Economics, Economics/Mathematics, Social Sciences (Economics). Duplicates credit in BUAD 352.
- Corequisite: ECON 351
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26361R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 40 of 60 | Selahattin Imrohoroglu | JFF414 | ||
26362R | 001 | Lecture | 8:00-9:20am | Tue, Thu | 73 of 73 | Neha Bairoliya | JFFLL125 | ||
26363R | 001 | Lecture | 9:30-10:50am | Mon, Wed | 49 of 73 | Selahattin Imrohoroglu | JFFLL125 | ||
26364R | 001 | Lecture | 9:30-10:50am | Tue, Thu | 73 of 73 | Neha Bairoliya | JFFLL125 | ||
26365R | 001 | Lecture | 11:00-12:20pm | Mon, Wed | 64 of 73 | Selahattin Imrohoroglu | JFFLL125 | ||
26366R | 001 | Lecture | 11:00-12:20pm | Tue, Thu | 73 of 73 | Neha Bairoliya | JFFLL125 | ||
26367R | 001 | Lecture | 12:30-1:50pm | Mon, Wed | 73 of 73 | Fatemeh Nazarian | JFFLL125 | ||
26368R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 73 of 73 | Fatemeh Nazarian | JFFLL125 | ||
26369R | 001 | Lecture | 3:30-4:50pm | Tue, Thu | 74 of 74 | Baizhu Chen | JKP110 | ||
26370R | 001 | Lecture | 8:00-9:20am | Mon, Wed | 73 of 73 | Fatemeh Nazarian | JFFLL125 |
The money, bond, stock, and other financial markets; portfolio choice; determinants of asset prices and interest rates; inflation; interactions between financial markets and government policies.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26119R | 001 | Lecture | 4:00-5:20pm | Tue, Thu | 57 of 57 | Ladan Masoudie | SOSB44 | PDF (296547 KB) |
Main frameworks, theories, practices of applied economics policy in real-world settings; creating competencies for elected officials, central bank personnel, public administrators, regulators, nonprofit executives, implementers and evaluators.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26123D | 088 | Lecture | 5:00-9:00pm | Mon, Wed | 9 of 25 | Jaime Meza | OFFCAMPUS | PDF (313003 KB) |
Analysis of strategic economic interactions. Topics include bargaining, insurance, patents, voting, environment depletion, strategic trade, learning, reputation, strikes, corporate takeovers, and the provision of public goods.
- Prerequisite: ECON 303
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26132R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Mon, Wed | 26 of 49 | Jonathan Libgober | DMC102 |
Introduction to the methodology used in experimental neuroeconomics and discussion of neural correlates of decision-making. Prerequisite: ECON 303.
- Prerequisite: ECON 303
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26131R | 001 | Lecture | 8:30-9:50am | Mon, Wed | 49 of 49 | Giorgio Coricelli | SOSB44 | PDF (148774 KB) |
Examination of the traditional and behavioral theories of decision-making and the state of the art in the field. Prerequisite: ECON 303.
- Prerequisite: ECON 303
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26339R | 001 | Lecture | 4:00-5:20pm | Mon, Wed | 48 of 50 | Yilmaz Kocer | THH116 | PDF (391789 KB) |
Factors that make values an essential feature of human society; how values develop, change and are abandoned; role of values in economic development.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26145R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Mon, Wed | 22 of 49 | Joshua Aizenman | DMC252 |
General equilibrium analysis of economics with financial markets; decision making under uncertainty; methods of risk reduction; portfolio theory and valuation of securities; efficiency of security markets.
- Prerequisite: ECON 303
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26154R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Tue, Thu | 37 of 55 | Marianne Andries | SSL202 | PDF (119702 KB) | |
26155R | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Mon, Wed | 56 of 56 | Steven Sapra | ZHS252 | PDF (381659 KB) |
Economic consulting and managerial economic methods applied in real world problems. Economic methods to analyze issues of intellectual property, environmental damage, trademark infringement, brand value, and consumer demand.
- Prerequisite: ECON 303
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26160R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Mon, Wed | 50 of 50 | Jeffrey Dubin | THH114 | Word (56210 KB) |
Management and extraction of renewable and non-renewable natural resources; environmental externalities and regulation of air, water, and land pollution; market incentives versus direct regulation.
- Prerequisite: ECON 303
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26166R | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Mon, Wed | 50 of 50 | Hao Yin | THH116 | PDF (322703 KB) |
Supervised individual research. Not available for graduate credit. Requires departmental approval.
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Junior, Senior
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26168D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 1 of 30 | OFFICE |
Individual research supervised by a faculty advisor. Successful completion required for departmental honors degree.
- Note: Register for lecture and discussion
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26170D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 3 of 10 | OFFICE |
Theories of the household and the firm; product and factor markets; perfect and imperfect competition; welfare criteria.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26173D | 001 | Lecture | 4:00-5:20pm | Mon, Wed | 28 of 49 | Ergin Bayrak | THH114 | ||
26174D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 48 of 48 | Brijesh Pinto | LVL16 | ||
26329D | 266 | Lecture | 4:00-5:20pm | Mon, Wed | 3 of 6 | Ergin Bayrak | THH114 |
Theories of aggregate economic activity; design and use of macroeconometric models; stabilization and control of inflation, unemployment, and growth.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26109D | 266 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Tue, Thu | 3 of 7 | Ladan Masoudie | SGM601 | ||
26178D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Tue, Thu | 49 of 49 | Jaime Meza | SOSB4 | ||
26179D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Tue, Thu | 34 of 45 | Ladan Masoudie | SGM601 |
Applying game theory to economic and financial markets and interactions in a diverse set of examples like reputation, herding, bubbles and crashes, auctions, strategic information revelation and information accumulation in markets. Witnessing the wide range of applications that is amenable to game theoretical analysis.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26181D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Mon, Wed | 31 of 49 | Yilmaz Kocer | ZHS163 | PDF (402675 KB) | |
26185D | 266 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Mon, Wed | 0 of 5 | Yilmaz Kocer | ZHS163 | PDF (402675 KB) |
Application of econometric tools using standard econometric software packages for microcomputers; empirical applications to selected economic problems of estimation and inference.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26169D | 266 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 7 of 10 | Marco Angrisani | DMC100 | ||
26186D | 001 | Lecture | 4:00-5:20pm | Mon, Wed | 34 of 49 | Dong Woo Hahm | KAP146 | PDF (259033 KB) | |
26187D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 49 of 49 | Marco Angrisani | DMC100 |
Understanding and implementing models commonly used in time series econometrics. Emphasis is placed on intuition and application. Assists students understanding how to use time series data to test hypotheses and serve as an introduction to the ideas and techniques of forecasting.
- Corequisite: ECON 513
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26191D | 266 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Mon, Wed | 0 of 1 | Ratika Narag | KAP144 | ||
26290D | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Mon, Wed | 48 of 48 | Ratika Narag | KAP144 | PDF (154408 KB) |
The balance of payments, macroeconomic policy in an open economy, exchange rate determination, exchange rate systems, currency crises, international financial arrangements and monetary history.
- Corequisite: ECON 501
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26189D | 001 | Lecture | 4:00-5:20pm | Tue, Thu | 35 of 36 | Jaime Meza | THH119 | ||
26198D | 266 | Lecture | 4:00-5:20pm | Tue, Thu | 0 of 5 | Jaime Meza | THH119 |
Introduction and exploration of quantitative methods and data sources used for applied trade policy analysis.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26199D | 001 | Lecture | 8:00-9:50am | Tue, Thu | 0 of 2 | Terrie Walmsley | OFFICE | PDF (300826 KB) | |
26340D | 266 | Lecture | 8:00-9:50am | Tue, Thu | 1 of 6 | Terrie Walmsley | GFS101 | PDF (300826 KB) |
How do investors evaluate risks? With what information? How do they form their beliefs? Via empirical evidence and theoretical works, this course addresses these questions.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26223D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Mon, Wed | 5 of 49 | Marianne Andries | KAP156 | PDF (358320 KB) |
Introduction to the theory and practice of causal econometrics in modern settings of large-scale data. Major algorithms from machine learning focused on methodology and applications.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26201D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 40 of 40 | Dong Woo Hahm | THH202 | PDF (185576 KB) | |
26219D | 001 | Lecture | 8:30-9:50am | Tue, Thu | 31 of 49 | Matthew Delventhal | SOSB46 | PDF (285563 KB) | |
26310D | 266 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Mon, Wed | 2 of 10 | Dong Woo Hahm | THH202 | PDF (185576 KB) |
Introduces the novel business model and important features associated with digital platforms and analyzes firms various competitive behavior and anticompetitive conducts in the digital space.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26251D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Tue, Thu | 49 of 49 | Ziyi Qiu | GFS118 |
Broad training in theoretical and empirical finance. Choice under uncertainty; equilibrium asset pricing; static portfolio choice; factor pricing models, asset allocation; the Black-Scholes-Merton Formula.
- Corequisite: ECON 500
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26202D | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Mon, Wed | 26 of 49 | Steven Sapra | THH208 | PDF (378863 KB) |
Efficiency, market failure, government regulation, some basics for antitrust economics, competition policy analysis and collusion and agreements among competitors.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26203D | 001 | Lecture | 9:30-10:50am | Tue, Thu | 48 of 48 | Ziyi Qiu | GFS118 | ||
26341D | 266 | Lecture | 9:30-10:50am | Tue, Thu | 9 of 9 | Ziyi Qiu | GFS118 |
Economic methods to analyze issues of intellectual property, environmental damage, trademark infringement, brand value and consumer demand, using an applied econometric approach.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26205D | 001 | Lecture | 8:00-9:20am | Mon, Wed | 34 of 49 | Jeffrey Dubin | GFS116 | Word (58039 KB) | |
26208D | 266 | Lecture | 8:00-9:20am | Mon, Wed | 1 of 5 | Jeffrey Dubin | GFS116 & ONLINE | Word (58039 KB) |
The role of designing incentives to reduce negative urban externalities and the interplay between spatial Big Data and testing urban economics hypotheses.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26204D | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Mon, Wed | 39 of 39 | Matthew Kahn | GFS207 | PDF (271644 KB) | |
26316D | 266 | Lecture | 10:00-11:20am | Mon, Wed | 2 of 5 | Matthew Kahn | GFS207 |
Part-time or full-time, practical work experience in the student's field of study. Students must have a specific job/internship offer. Job must be related to students major. The internship must be located at an off-campus facility. Students are individually supervised by faculty. Students must have been in F-1 student status for at least one academic year in a degree-seeking program before they can apply for CPT, with a cumulative 3.0 GPA. Course does not apply to degree credit. Open only to graduate students.
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Doctoral Student, Master Student
Section | Session | Units | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26305D | 001 | 1.0 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 4 of 15 | TBA |
General equilibrium theory; existence, uniqueness, and stability; welfare economics; social choice; dynamic models and uncertainty; special topics. Prerequisite: ECON-601.
- Prerequisite: ECON 601
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26218D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:50pm | Tue, Thu | 10 of 17 | Michael Magill | KAP319 |
Macroeconomic theory based on the concepts of optimal growth and intertemporal equilibrium; overlapping generations models; recent developments in macroeconomic theory. Prerequisites: ECON-601 and ECON-602.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26222D | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Tue, Thu | 11 of 17 | Pablo Kurlat, Pablo Neumeyer | KAP134 |
Review of statistical methods of estimation and inference, linear regression with multicollinearity and serial correlation; multivariate regression and simultaneous equations. Prerequisite: ECON 611. Duplicates credit in former ECON 511.
- Prerequisite: ECON 611
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26184D | 001 | Lecture | 4:00-5:50pm | Mon, Wed | 12 of 25 | Hyungsik Roger Moon | KAP167 | PDF (59693 KB) |
Use of quantitative models to describe and forecast economic activity; estimation and application of such models to selected policy problems. Prerequisites: ECON 609.
- Prerequisite: ECON 609
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26238D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-4:50pm | Monday | 4 of 25 | Cheng Hsiao | KAP113 | PDF (697977 KB) |
The functions of laws, rules, customs, conventions, and other restrictions on economic and social activity. Theories of institutional evolution. Prerequisites: ECON-500 or ECON-601.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26244D | 001 | Lecture | 1:30-4:20pm | Thursday | 9 of 25 | Jeffrey Weaver | KAP305 | PDF (271572 KB) |
Theory and empirics of the sources of and barriers to economic development and the micro underpinnings of macroeconomic dynamics of growth, inequality, and productivity. Prerequisites: ECON 601 and ECON 609.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26248D | 001 | Lecture | 9:00-11:50am | Wednesday | 11 of 25 | Vittorio Bassi | KAP113 | PDF (290612 KB) |
Think about and design empirical studies in economics using cutting-edge approaches to causal inference -- structural and discrete choice models, micro-macro models and historical data models.
- Prerequisite: ECON 686A
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26281D | 001 | Lecture | 9:00-11:50am | Friday | 15 of 25 | Paulina Oliva, Thomas Chaney | KAP305 | PDF (397455 KB) |
Current research in applied microeconomics, macroeconomics, and public policy presented by faculty, students, and outside scholars. Graded CR/NC.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26286D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Thursday | 1 of 15 | Juan Carrillo | KAP319 |
Topics in dynamic economics involving business fluctuations, economic growth and development, microeconomic adjustments and market mechanisms; related quantitative and qualitative methods; empirical research involving economic change. Graded CR/NC.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26288D | 001 | Lecture | 3:30-4:50pm | Thursday | 5 of 15 | Robert Dekle, Monica Morlacco | KAP319 |
Presentations on current research in empirical microeconomics by outstanding scholars from leading Economics departments and faculty at USC. Open only to Economics Ph.D. students. Graded CR/NC.
- Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Economics
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Doctoral Student
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26296D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Tuesday | 10 of 20 | Paulina Oliva | KAP319 |
Examination of various frontier research topics of economics through critical discussions of research papers that study the most recent economic research agendas.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
Micro Reading Group | |||||||||
26270D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Monday | 4 of 15 | Jonathan Libgober | KAP305 | ||
Applied Micro Reading Group | |||||||||
26292D | 001 | Lecture | 12:30-1:50pm | Wednesday | 8 of 11 | Vittorio Bassi | KAP319 | ||
Applied Micro Reading Group | |||||||||
26293D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Thursday | 6 of 11 | Paulina Oliva | KAP335 | ||
Econometrics Reading Group | |||||||||
26295D | 001 | Lecture | 10:30-11:50am | Friday | 3 of 15 | Hyungsik Roger Moon | KAP335 | ||
Macro Reading Group | |||||||||
26297D | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:20pm | Wednesday | 5 of 15 | Robert Dekle, Monica Morlacco | KAP319 |
Credit on acceptance of Dissertation. Graded CR/NC.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
26298D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 0 of 25 | OFFICE |