USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2024

classes begin
registration begins

Spatial Sciences 301L:

Maps and Spatial Reasoning (4.0 units)

Role of maps and spatial reasoning in the production and use of geographic information for representing and analyzing human and environmental activities and events.
    35646R001Lecture9:30-10:50amTue, Thu23 of 40Bita MinaraveshMHPB7BPDF (354460 KB)session dates
    35648R001Lab12:00-1:50pmThursday11 of 20Erica HoVHE214session dates
    35649R001Lab4:00-5:50pmTuesday12 of 20Erica HoTHHB10session dates
    Information accurate as of March 4, 2025 6:55 am.
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