USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2024

classes begin
registration begins

Social Work - On Campus and Hybrid courses 591:

Applied Learning in Practicum Education I (3.0 units)

Supervised beginning generalist practicum seminar and placement to develop practice skills in working with individuals, families, groups, communities and/or organizations.
    60529D143Lecture5:00-6:50pmThursday7 of 16Jennifer Parga,Alison Cole-KellySDACPDF (840339 KB)notesession dates
    60785D143Lecture8:00-9:50amFriday8 of 14Christina Rheingold,
    Alison Cole-Kelly
    MRF338PDF (392500 KB)session dates
    60786D143Lecture11:00-12:50pmFriday13 of 14Jenebah Lewis,
    Alison Cole-Kelly
    MRF303session dates
    15 of 15
    Holly Sotelo,
    Alison Cole-Kelly
    MRF320PDF (444984 KB)notesession dates
    60788D143Lecture4:10-6:00pmFriday11 of 14Vivien Villaverde,Alison Cole-KellySWC106session dates
    60815D143Lecture1:00-2:50pmFriday12 of 15Alison Cole-KellyMRF204session dates
    60872D143Lecture11:00-12:50pmFriday7 of 15Cynthia Juarez,
    Alison Cole-Kelly
    MRF204Word (90326 KB)notesession dates
    60878D143Lecture7:10-9:00pmThursday15 of 16Kelley Macmillan,Alison Cole-KellyMRF204PDF (309515 KB)session dates
    60939D143Lecture11:00-12:50pmFriday14 of 16Audrey Shelby,
    Alison Cole-Kelly
    SWC106Word (131241 KB)session dates
    Information accurate as of February 21, 2025 9:23 pm.
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