USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2024

classes begin
registration begins

Electrical and Computer Engineering 510:

Linear Algebra for Engineering (4.0 units)

Introduction to linear algebra and matrix theory and their underlying concepts; applications to engineering problems; mathematically rigorous and foundational to other classes in communication, control, and signal processing.
    30475R048Lecture4:00-5:50pmTue, Thu58 of 60Olaoluwa AdigunGFS118PDF (89792 KB)session dates
    30477R048Lecture2:00-3:50pmTue, Thu79 of 100Olaoluwa AdigunOHE122PDF (89803 KB)session dates
    30479D034Lecture2:00-3:50pmTue, Thu6 of 10Olaoluwa AdigunDEN@ViterbiPDF (89653 KB)session dates
    30478R048Discussion3:00-3:50pmFriday78 of 100OHE122session dates
    30483D034Discussion3:00-3:50pmFriday6 of 10DEN@Viterbisession dates
    30476R048Discussion9:00-9:50amFriday59 of 61SSL202session dates
    Information accurate as of February 22, 2025 12:06 pm.
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