USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2024

classes begin
registration begins

Dance 220L:

Repertory and Performance II (2.0 units, max 4)

Continued studies and guided practice of choreographic repertory. Investigation of choreographic vocabulary, intention, stylistic approaches, and performance technique for group work.
  • Prerequisite: DANC 120
  • Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Dance
  • Concurrent enrollment: DANC 210
22452D001Lecture2:30-4:50pmMon, Wed30 of 35Betsy Struxness,KDC105session dates
Shannon Grayson,
Grasan Kingsberry,
Jackie Kopcsak
22453D001Lab5:30-7:30pmFriday30 of 35Betsy Struxness,KDC105session dates
Shannon Grayson,
Grasan Kingsberry,
Jackie Kopcsak

Concurrent Course
DANC 210: Dance Technique II (3.0 units, max 12)

Intermediate technique studies in a studio setting. Concentration on classical ballet, hip hop and its derivatives, partnering and contemporary techniques essential to the dancers' development.
  • Prerequisite: DANC 110
  • Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Dance
22445D001Lecture9:00-11:50amMTuWThF30 of 35Ebony Frazier,
Bruce McCormick,
Achinta McDaniel,E. Moncell Durden,Gillian Finley,
Molly Bogunovic,
Patrick Corbin,Jackie Kopcsak,
Jennifer Lott,Amy O'Neal
TBAsession dates
Information accurate as of February 23, 2025 1:49 pm.
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