USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2024

classes begin
registration begins

Writing 534:

Advanced Half-Hour Television Comedy (2.0 units, max 4)

Advanced workshop in writing the first draft and revision of an episode of an existing comedic television series. The comedy writing room will be emphasized. Corerequisite: CTWR 514a. Open only to master students in Theatre (Dramatic Writing) and Writing for Screen and Television.
  • Corequisite: CTWR 514a
  • Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Theatre (Dramatic Writing), Writing for Screen and Television
  • Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Master Student
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Aurorae KhooSCA345feesession dates
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Michael GibbonsSCA361PDF (186409 KB)feesession dates
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F.J. PrattSCA361feesession dates
Information accurate as of March 4, 2025 6:55 am.
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