USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2024

classes begin
registration begins

Writing 523:

Introduction to the Screenplay (4.0 units)

Introduction to formal elements of the screenplay through lectures and the workshopping of a complete first draft of a feature-length script. Prerequisite: CTAN 536 or CTWR 505 or CTWR 518. Recommended preparation: CTWR 516.
19239R037Lecture4:00-6:50pmMonday5 of 10David WeberSCB304Word (74752 KB)feesession dates
19341R037Lecture7:00-10:00pmTuesday8 of 10Siavash FarahaniSCA363PDF (312971 KB)feesession dates
19343R037Lecture7:00-10:00pmWednesday7 of 10Aaron CarewSCA362PDF (643816 KB)feesession dates
19344R037Lecture10:00-12:50pmThursday8 of 10Ian JeffersSCA362feesession dates
Information accurate as of March 4, 2025 6:55 am.
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