USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2024

classes begin
registration begins

Anthropology 140g:

Mesoamerican Cosmovision and Culture (4.0 units)

An exploration of the nature and contributions of pre-Columbian high civilizations (Maya, Aztecs, etc.) and their descendants as they resist and assimilate to the modern world.
  • General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
  • Note: register for lecture and Disc
10601R001Lecture12:30-1:50pmTue, Thu93 of 100Eric HellerTHH102notesession dates
10602R001Discussion2:00-2:50pmTuesday22 of 25Eric HellerTHH112session dates
10603R001Discussion2:00-2:50pmThursday23 of 25Eric HellerTHH112session dates
10604R001Discussion4:00-4:50pmTuesday23 of 25Eric HellerGFS104session dates
25 of 25
Eric HellerGFS104session dates
Information accurate as of February 22, 2025 2:06 pm.
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