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USC Schedule of Classes

Summer 2024

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registration begins

Building Directory

ABA Anna Bing Arnold Child Care Ctr., 2715 University Ave.
ABM American Button Manufacturing, 2823 S. Flower St.
ABX Anna Bing Arnold Child Care Ctr. Annex, 2716 Severance St., 90007
ACB Ahmanson Ctr. for Biological Research, 825 Bloom Walk
ACC Accounting, Leventhal School of, 3660 Trousdale Pkwy.
ACX Ahmanson Ctr. for Biological Research Animal Section, 825 Bloom Walk
ADM George Finley Bovard Administration Bldg. and Kenneth Norris, Jr. Aud., 3551 Trousdale Pkwy.
ADX Alpha Delta Chi House, 725-731 W. 32nd St.
AES Alice and Eleonore Schoenfeld Symphonic Hall, 3450 Watt Way
AFF Allyson Felix Field, 3525 Watt Way
AHF Allan Hancock Foundation Bldg., 3616 Trousdale Pkwy.
AHN Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Family House, 809 W. 34th St.
ALM Alumni House, Widney, 635 Childs Way
ANH Annenberg House, 711 W. 27th St.
ANN Wallis Annenberg Hall, 3630 Watt Way
ASC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, 3502 Watt Way
ATM At Mateo, 1262 Palmetto St., Ste. 515
BAA Bel-Aire Apts., 1124 W. 29th St.
BAB Barracks A & B, 1200 N. State St.
BAR Barlow Hospital, 2000 Stadium Way
BCC Eli and Edythe Broad CIRM Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research, 1425 San Pablo St.
BCH Boone Center Housing, 10317-10343 W. Big Fishermans Cove, Catalina Island
BDF Brooks Memorial Pavilion and Dedeaux Field, 1021 Childs Way
BHE Biegler Hall of Engineering, 920 Downey Way
BIM Brittingham Intramural Field, 3506 McClintock Ave.
BIT Bing Theatre, 3500 Watt Way
BKF Brian Kennedy Field, 3515 McClintock Ave.
BKS Pertusati University Bookstore, 840 Childs Way
BMH Booth Ferris Rehearsal Hall, 820 W. 34th St.
BMP Burbank Medical Plaza #2, 191 S. Buena Vista St., #310, Burbank
BMT Bishop Medical Teaching and Research Bldg., 1333 San Pablo St.
BRI Bridge Hall, 3670 Trousdale Pkwy.
BSR Birnkrant Residential College, 642 W. 34th St.
CAB CMSC Administration Bldg., P.O. Box 398, Catalina Island, 90704
CAL Carole Little Bldg., 3434 S. Grand Ave.
CAP Century Apts., 3115 S. Orchard Ave.
CAR Cardinal Gardens, 3131 S. McClintock Ave.
CAS College Academic Services Bldg., 3454 Trousdale Pkwy.
CBB Century Boulevard Building, 6033 Century Blvd. #920, Los Angeles
CBG University Gardens Apts., 1250 W. Jefferson Blvd.
CCC Health Sciences Child Care Ctr., 2250 Alcazar St.
CEM Ctr. for Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis, 814 W. Bloom Walk
CEN Centennial Apts., 2390 Portland St.
CHP Ctr. for Health Professions, 1540 Alcazar St.
CIC Jessica and Charles Cale and Ray Irani Residential College, 929 W. Jefferson Blvd.
CLH College House, 823 W. 34th St.
CNG Cardinal ’N Gold, 737 W. 30th St.
COH Cockins House, 2653 S. Hoover St.
COL College Residence Hall, 615 W. McCarthy Way
CPA The Center for International and Public Affairs, 3518 Trousdale Pkwy.
CRC A.C. Allen Cowlings and Ilium Residential College, 3131 S. Hoover St.
CRL Cancer Research Laboratory, 1303 Mission Rd.
CSA Clinical Sciences Annex, 2250 Alcazar St.
CSC Clinical Science Ctr., 2250 Alcazar St.
CST CAD Services Trailer, Berth 194 Yacht St., Wilmington
CTF Colich Track and Field Center, 3564 McClintock Avenue
CTV Carson Television Ctr., 3450 Watt Way
CUB Credit Union Building, 3720 S. Flower St.
DAB Dramatic Arts Building, 817 West 34th St.
DCC Davidson Continuing Education Conference Ctr., 3415 S. Figueroa St.
DEN Norris Dental Science Ctr., 925 W. 34th St.
DMC Joseph Medicine Crow Center for International & Public Affairs, 3518 Trousdale Pkwy.
DML Doheny Memorial Library, 3550 Trousdale Pkwy.
DMT Marks Tower, 612 W. Hellman Way
DNI Dornsife Neuroscience Imaging Center, 3620-A McClintock Ave.
DOH Estelle Doheny Eye Foundation, 1355 San Pablo St.
DRB Denney Research Ctr., 1042 Downey Way
DRC Drama Ctr., 1029-33 Childs Way
ECT Early Childhood Training Ctr., 741 W. 27th St.
EEB Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center, 3740 McClintock Ave.
EGG Egg Company II, 746 W. Adams Blvd.
EPS Figueroa Street Structure, 3533 S. Flower St.
ESH Engemann Student Health Center, 1031 W. 34th St.
EVK EVK Residence Hall, 635 W. McCarthy Way
FIG Figueroa Bldg., 3535 S. Figueroa St.
FMH Forthmann House, 2801 South Hoover St.
FML Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, 520 Paseo Miramar, Pacific Palisades
FMT Fairmont Apts., 2629 Portland St.
FPM Facilities Planning & Management, 3434 S. Grand Ave.
FSA Founders Apts., 2610 Portland St.
GAP Galen Athletic Pavilion, 3400 S. Figueroa St.
GCS Dr. Allen & Charlotte Ginsburg Human-Centered Computation Hall, 1031 Downey Way
GEC Galen Event Center, 3400 S. Figueroa St.
GEH Max Kade Ctr. I, 2714 S. Hoover St.
GER Gerontology Ctr., Andrus, 3715 McClintock Ave.
GEX Max Kade Ctr. II, 2718 S. Hoover St.
GFS Grace Ford Salvatori Hall of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 3601 Watt Way
GLB General Labs Bldg., 1801 Marengo St.
GNH County General Hospital, 1937 Hospital Pl.
GPC Golf Practice Course, 1021 Childs Way
HAP Helena Apts., 1220 W. 28th St.
HAR Mary Ormerod Harris Hall, Quinn Wing and Fisher Gallery, 823-29 Exposition Blvd.
HCB CMSC Hyperbaric Chamber Building, P.O. Box 398, Catalina Island, Avalon
HC1 USC Health Care Consultation Ctr., 1510 San Pablo St.
HC2 Health Care Consultation Ctr. 2, 1520 San Pablo St.
HC3 Norris Health Care Consultation Ctr., 2204 Alcazar St.
HC4 Estelle Doheny Eye Institute, 1537 Norfolk St.
HED HEDCO Petroleum & Chemical Engineering Bldg., 925 Bloom Walk
HER Heritage Hall, 3501 Watt Way
HHR Honors House, 2710 Severance St.
HIL Hillview Apts., 2605 Severance St.
HJF Howard Jones Football Practice Field, 3515 McClintock Ave.
HMR Hoffman Medical Research Ctr., 2011 Zonal Ave.
HNB HEDCO Neurosciences Bldg., 3641 Watt Way
HOH Hoffman Hall of Business Administration, 701 Exposition Blvd.
HPB Huntington Pavilion Bldg., 625 Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 400, Pasadena
HRA Health Research Assn., 1640 Marengo St.
HRH Harris Residence Hall, 634 W. 34th St.
HSA Health Sciences Alhambra, 1000 S. Fremont Ave., Alhambra, CA
HSH Hazel and Stanley Hall Financial Services Bldg., 851 Downey Way
HSP Health Sciences Campus Parking Structure, 1334 Biggy St.
HUC Hebrew Union College, 3077 University Ave.
IFT Ickovics Family Trust Bldg. Fine Arts, 3001 S. Flower St.
IRC Internationally Themed Residential College, 3771 McClintock Ave.
IRD Interns & Residents Dormitory, 2020 Zonal Ave.
ISE Information Science Institute East, 3811 N. Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA
ISI Information Science Institute, 4676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey
IYH USC Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Hall, 3738 Watt Way
JEF Jefferson Bldg., 950 W. Jefferson Blvd.
JEP Joint Educational Project House, 801 W. 34th St.
JFF Jill and Frank Fertitta Hall, 610 Childs Way
JHH John Hubbard Hall, Student Administrative Services, 700 Childs Way
JKP Jane Popovich and J. Kristoffer Popovich Hall, 611 Exposition Blvd.
JMC John McKay Ctr., 940 W. 35th St.
JWS John Williams Scoring Stage, 3450 Watt Way
KAM Keith Administration & Medical Forum Bldg.; Mayer Medical Teaching Ctr., 1975 Zonal Ave.
KAP Kaprielian Hall, 3620 S. Vermont Ave.
KCH Kerckhoff Carriage House, 734 W. Adams Blvd.
KDC Glorya Kaufman International Dance Center, 849 W. 34th St.
KER Kerckhoff Hall, 734 W. Adams Blvd.
KOH Frank L. King Olympic Hall of Champions, 1025 W. 34th St.
KSH University Club at King Stoops Hall, 705 W. 34th St.
LAB La Sorbonne Apts., 1170 W. 31st St.
LAC Los Angeles County + USC Hospital, 1200 N. State St.
LAW Elvon and Mabel Musick Law Bldg., 699 Exposition Blvd.
LEI Lawrence J. Ellison Institute, 12414 Exposition Blvd.
LHI Donald P. and Katherine B. Loker Hydrocarbon Inst., 837 Bloom Walk
LJS Laird J. Stabler Memorial Hall, 840 Downey Way
LRC General William Lyon University Ctr., 1026 W. 34th St.
LTS Katherine B. Loker Track Stadium, 3550 McClintock Ave.
LVL Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Library, 650 W. McCarthy Way
MAB Manor Apts., 2636 Portland St.
MBC MacDonald Becket Center, 850 W. Bloom Walk
MCA McKibben Addition, 1333 San Pablo St.
MCB Michelson Center For Convergent Bioscience, 1002 Childs Way
MCC McClintock Building, 1010 W. Jefferson Blvd.
MCH McKibben Hall, 1333 San Pablo St.
MCK McClintock Apartments Building Two, 1082 30th St.
MCO McClintock Apartments Building One, 1076 30th St.
MCT McCulloch Townhomes, 953 W. 30th St.
MHC The Kathleen L. McCarthy Honors College, 3096 S. McClintock Ave.
MHP Mudd Memorial Hall of Philosophy, 3709 Trousdale Pkwy.
MMR Mudd Memorial Research Bldg., 1333 San Pablo St.
MOL Medical Oncology Lab, 1237 N. Mission Rd.
MRC Priam Residential College, 835 W. Jefferson Blvd.
MRF Montgomery Ross Fisher Bldg., 669 W. 34th St.
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging Building, 2025 Zonal Ave.
MSC Marine Sciences Ctr. Lab, Catalina Island
MSR Marine Sciences Center Residence Hall, Catalina Island
MTX Marks Tennis Stadium, 1075 Childs Way
MUS Albert S. Raubenheimer Music Faculty Memorial Bldg., 840 W. 34th St.
NBC Shelly and Ofer Nemirovsky and David C. Bohnett Residential College, 3201 S. Hoover St.
NCT Norris Cinema Theatre, 3507 Trousdale Pkwy.
NML Norris Medical Library, 2003 Zonal Ave.
NOR Kenneth Norris Jr. Cancer Hospital Research Institute, 1441 Eastlake Ave.
NRT Harlyne J. Norris Research Tower, 1450 Biggy St.
NTT Dr. Norman Topping Tower, 1441 Eastlake Ave.
OCW Harold E. and Lillian M. Moulton Organic Chemistry Wing, 810 Downey Way
OHE Olin Hall of Engineering, 3650 McClintock Ave.
ONE One Institute, 909 W. Adams Blvd.
OSP Our Savior Parish and USC Caruso Catholic Center, 844 W. 32nd St.
PAM Pacific Asia Museum, 46 N. Los Robles Ave., Pasadena
PCA Pacific Apts., 2637 Severance St.
PCE Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Bldg., 923 Bloom Walk
PED Physical Education Bldg., 3560 Watt Way
PHE Powell Hall, 3737 Watt Way
PHH Phinney Hall, 1721 Griffin Ave.
PKS Parkside Apts., 3730 S. McClintock Ave.
PRB Parkside Residential Building, 920 West 37th Place
PSA Downey Way Structure, Lot 33, 3667 McClintock Ave.
PSB Jefferson Boulevard Structure, Lot 1, 1150 Jefferson Blvd.
PSC John Stauffer Pharmaceutical Sciences Ctr., 1985 Zonal Ave.
PSD Royal Street Structure, 649 W. 34th St.
PSO Flower Street Structure, 3701 S. Flower St.
PSX McCarthy Way Structure, 620 W. McCarthy Way
PTD Pardee Tower, 614 Hellman Way
PVB Playa Vista Bldg., 12015 E. Waterfront Dr., Playa Vista
PVT Playa Vista Bldg. Two, 12025 Waterfront Dr., Playa Vista
RAN Hoffman Contracts Research Bldg., 3716 S. Hope St.
RGA Regent Apts., 1138 W. 29th St.
RGL Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall, 650 Childs Way
RHM Ramo Hall of Music, 830 W. 34th St.
RRB Rapp Engineering Research Bldg., 854 Downey Way
RRI Ray R. Irani Hall, 1050 Childs Way
RTA Regal Trojan Apts., 870 W. Adams Blvd.
RTH Ronald Tutor Hall of Engineering, 3710 McClintock Ave.
RZC Robert Zemeckis Ctr. for Digital Arts, 3131 S. Figueroa St.
SAC Sacramento Center, 1800 I Street, Sacramento, CA
SAI Stardust Apts., 634 W. 27th St.
SAL Salvatori Computer Science Ctr., 941 Bloom Walk
SCA School of Cinematic Arts, 900 W. 34th St.
SCB School of Cinematic Arts Bldg. B, 930 W. 34th St.
SCC School of Cinematic Arts Bldg. C, 935 W. 35th St.
SCD Scene Dock (Theatre), 1030 W. 37th St.
SCE School of Cinematic Arts Bldg. E, 905 W. 35th St.
SCI School of Cinematic Arts Bldg. I, 3470 McClintock Ave.
SCO USC Building One, 1149 S. Hill St.
SCP South Coast Plaza Bldg., 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa
SCS School of Cinematic Arts Station, 639 W. 32nd St.
SCT USC Building Two, 1150 S. Olive St.
SCX School of Cinematic Arts Bldg. D, 915 W. 35th St.
SGA Seven Gables Apts., 620-626 W. 30th St.
SGM Seeley G. Mudd Bldg., 3620 McClintock Ave.
SHN Stevens Hall Neuroimaging, 2025 Zonal Ave.
SHP Shrine Parking Structure, 645 W. Jefferson Blvd.
SHS Stauffer Hall of Science, 835 Bloom Walk
SIE Sierra Apts., 2638 Portland St.
SKS Steven and Kathryn Sample Hall, 3607 Trousdale Pkwy.
SLH Stauffer Science Lecture Hall, 831 Bloom Walk
SMF Soni-McAlister Field, 3000 S. Hoover St.
SNA Senator Apts., 1101-1109 W. 28th St.
SOS Social Science Bldg., 3502 Trousdale Pkwy.
SPA Shrine Place Apartments, 3015-3017 Shrine Pl.
SPS San Pablo Parking Structure, 1630 N. San Pablo St.
SRH Seaver Residence Hall, 1969 Zonal Ave.
SSA Severance St. Apts., 2630 Severance St.
SSB Soto Street Building, 2001 N. Soto St.
SSC Seaver Science Ctr., 920 Bloom Walk
SSH Severance St. House, 2716 Severance St.
SSL Seaver Science Library, 910 Bloom Walk
SST Soto Street Building Two, 2011 Soto St.
STO Stonier Hall, 837 Downey Way
STU Gwynn Wilson Student Union, 3601 Trousdale Pkwy.
SUN Sunset Apts., 1144 W. 29th St.
SWC Social Work Ctr., 655 W. 34th St.
TAP Troyland Apts., 955-959 W. Adams Blvd.
TCC Ronald Tutor Campus Center, 3607 Trousdale Pkwy.
TCX Tennis Court I, 1015 Childs Way
TGF Town and Gown, 665 Exposition Blvd.
THH Taper Hall of Humanities, 3501 Trousdale Pkwy.
THR Two Harbors Residences, Two Harbors, Catalina Island
TMC The Music Complex, 3450 Watt Way
TOW Tower Hall, 1711 N. Griffin Ave.
TPA Twin Palms Apts., 2635 Portland St.
TRF Temporary Research Facility, 3430 S. Vermont Ave.
TRH Troy Hall, 3025 Royal St.
TSA Terrace Apts., 2822-2830 Ellendale Pl.
TTL Technical Theatre Lab., 1020 Bloom Walk
TYL Tyler Bldg., 3601 S. Flower St.
UAC Uytengsu Aquatics Center, 3441 McClintock Ave.
UGB University Gardens Building, 3500 S. Figueroa St.
UGW University Gateway, 3335 S. Figueroa St.
UHP University Hosp. Parking, 1538 San Pablo St.
UHR USC Restaurant, 3520 S. Figueroa St.
UNH USC University Hosp., 1500 San Pablo St.
UPX Grand Avenue Structure, 3401 S. Grand Ave.
URA University Regent Apts., 1219 W. 27th St.
URC University Religious Ctr., 835 W. 34th St.
URH University Residence Hall, 616 W. 34th St.
USH USC Hotel, 3540 S. Figueroa St.
UVO University Village One, 3015 S. Hoover St.
VBB Valley Blvd. Bldg., 4351 E. Valley Blvd.
VHE Vivian Hall of Engineering, 3651 Watt Way
VHH Verdugo Hills Hospital, 1812 Verdugo Blvd.
VIS Vista Apts., 2701 Severance St.
VPD Verna & Peter Dauterive Hall, 635 Downey Way
WAH Watt Hall of Architecture and Fine Arts, 850 Bloom Walk
WIN Windsor Apts., 1149 W. 28th St.
WPH Waite Phillips Hall, 3470 Trousdale Pkwy.
WTO Webb Tower, 1015 W. 34th St.
ZHS Zumberge Hall of Science, 3651 Trousdale Pkwy.
ZNI Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute, 1501 San Pablo St.