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USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2023

classes begin
registration begins

Spanish 120:

Spanish I (4.0 units)

For students with limited proficiency in Spanish. Practice in listening comprehension, oral communication, elementary reading and writing.
  • Note: Spanish 120 placement score required for those students with previous exposure to Spanish. D-Clearance available at language.usc.edu.
62001D001Lecture9:00-9:50amMTuThF15 of 19Maura CrowleyDMC254notesession dates
62003D001Lecture12:00-12:50pmMTuThF18 of 19Jamie FudaczLVL3Bnotesession dates
62005D001Lecture8:00-9:50amMon, Wed18 of 19Jaclyn Cohen-SteinbergWPH106session dates
62007D001Lecture10:00-10:50amMTuThF15 of 19Jamie FudaczDMC107session dates
62009D001Lecture11:00-11:50amMTuThF18 of 19Jamie FudaczTHH121session dates
62013D001Lecture10:00-11:50amTue, Thu18 of 19Maura CrowleyTHH119session dates
Information accurate as of March 1, 2024 1:48 pm.