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Schedule of Classes
University of Southern California
Fall 2023
classes begin
registration begins
Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
- American Language Institute | ALI
- American Studies and Ethnicity | AMST
- Anthropology | ANTH
- Archaeology | ARCG
- Arabic | ARAB
- Art History | AHIS
- Astronomy | ASTR
- Biological Sciences | BISC
- Cognitive Science | CGSC
- Chemistry | CHEM
- Classics | CLAS
- Comparative Literature | COLT
- Thematic Option | CORE
- Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture | CSLC
- East Asian Languages and Cultures | EALC
- East Asian Studies | EASC
- Economics | ECON
- English | ENGL
- Environmental Studies Program | ENST
- Global Security Studies | GSEC
- French | FREN
- Freshman Seminars | FSEM
- Geological Sciences | GEOL
- German Studies | GERM
- Gender and Sexuality Studies | SWMS
- Greek | GR
- Hebrew | HEBR
- History | HIST
- Human Biology | HBIO
- Interdisciplinary Major Program | INDS
- International Relations | IR
- Persian | IRAN
- Italian | ITAL
- Judaic Studies | JS
- Latin | LAT
- Linguistics | LING
- Mathematics | MATH
- Multidisciplinary Activities | MDA
- Middle East Studies | MDES
- Neuroscience | NEUR
- Neuroscience - Graduate | NSCI
- Ocean Sciences | OS
- Physical Education and Mind Body Health | PHED
- Philosophy | PHIL
- Physics | PHYS
- Political Science and International Relations | POIR
- Portuguese | PORT
- Political Science | POSC
- Psychology | PSYC
- Quantitative and Computational Biology | QBIO
- Religion | REL
- Registrar's Office | RNR
- Russian | RUSS
- Slavic Languages and Literatures | SLL
- Sociology | SOCI
- Spanish | SPAN
- Spatial Sciences | SSCI
- University of Southern California | USC
- Visual Studies | VISS
- Writing | WRIT
Leventhal School of Accounting
Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation
- Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation | ACAD
- Integrated Design, Business and Technology | IDSN
- Product Innovation | PRIN
Marshall School of Business
- Accounting | ACCT
- Business Entrepreneurship | BAEP
- Business Administration | BUAD
- Business Communication | BUCO
- Data Sciences and Operations | DSO
- Finance and Business Economics | FBE
- Graduate School of Business Administration | GSBA
- Library and Information Management | LIM
- Marketing | MKT
- Management and Organization | MOR
Bovard College
- Criminal Justice | CJ
- Emergency Management | EM
- Human Resource Management | HRM
- Hospitality and Tourism | HT
- Project Management | PJMT
Cinematic Arts
- Motion Picture Producing | CMPP
- Cinematic Arts | CNTV
- Animation | CTAN
- Cinema and Media Studies | CTCS
- Interactive Media | CTIN
- Production | CTPR
- Writing | CTWR
- Media Arts and Practice | IML
- Expanded Animation | CTXA
Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
- Communication and Journalism | ASCJ
- Communication Management | CMGT
- Communication | COMM
- Digital Media Management | DMM
- Digital Social Media | DSM
- Journalism | JOUR
- Public Relations | PR
- Public Relations Innovation, Strategy and Management | PRSM
- Public Diplomacy | PUBD
Kaufman School of Dance
Ostrow School of Dentistry
- Advanced Dental Education Conjoint Program | ADNT
- Dentistry | DENT
- Community Oral Health | COH
- Craniofacial Biology | CBY
- Dentistry History | DHIS
- Dental Problem Based Learning | DPBL
- Geriatric Dentistry | GDEN
- General Practice Residency | GPR
- Orofacial Pain | OFP
- Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine | OFPM
- Oral Pathology and Radiology | OPR
- Operative Dentistry | OPER
- Pediatric Dentistry | PEDO
- Periodontics | PERI
- Dramatic Arts Expanded | THTE
- Dramatic Arts | THTR
Rossier School of Education
- Education Counseling | EDCO
- Higher and Postsecondary Education | EDHP
- Educational Psychology and Technology | EDPT
- Education | EDUC
- Education Expanded | EDUE
Viterbi School of Engineering
- Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering | AME
- Astronautical Engineering | ASTE
- Biomedical Engineering | BME
- Chemical Engineering | CHE
- Civil Engineering | CE
- Computer Science | CSCI
- Data Science | DSCI
- Electrical and Computer Engineering | EE
- Engineering in Society | EIS
- Environmental Engineering | ENE
- Engineering | ENGR
- Industrial and Systems Engineering | ISE
- Information Technology Program | ITP
- Materials Science | MASC
- Petroleum Engineering | PTE
- Systems Architecting and Engineering | SAE
Roski School of Art and Design
- Art | ART
- Critical Studies | CRIT
- Design | DES
GE Requirements for Students Beginning College Before Fall 2015
- Category I: Western Cultures and Traditions | WCT
- Category II: Global Cultures and Traditions | GCT
- Category III: Scientific Inquiry | SCIN
- Category IV: Science and Its Significance | SCIS
- Category V: Arts and Letters | ARLT
- Category VI: Social Issues | SI
GE Requirements for Students Beginning College in Fall 2015 or Later
- Category A: The Arts | ARTS
- Category B: Humanistic Inquiry | HINQ
- Category C: Social Analysis | SANA
- Category D: Life Sciences | LIFE
- Category E: Physical Sciences | PSC
- Category F: Quantitative Reasoning | QREA
- Category G: Equity in a Diverse World | GPG
- Category H: Traditions and Historical Foundations | GPH
- General Education Seminar | GESM
- Dornsife Core Literacy | DCL
Davis School of Gerontology
Graduate Studies | GRSC
Keck School of Medicine
- Academic Medicine | ACMD
- Addiction Science | ADSC
- Integrative Anatomical Sciences | IAS
- Anesthesiology | ANST
- Biochemistry | BIOC
- Cancer Biology & Genomics | CBG
- Development, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine | DSR
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies | HP
- Interdepartmental | INTD
- Medical Biophysics | MBPH
- Medical Education | MDED
- Medicine | MED
- Medical Biology | MEDB
- Medical Sciences | MEDS
- Molecular Microbiology and Immunology | MICB
- Medical Physiology | MPHY
- Neuromedicine | NEUM
- Neuroimaging and Informatics | NIIN
- Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery | OHNS
- Pain Medicine | PAIN
- Pathology | PATH
- Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences | PBHS
- Physiology and Biophysics | PHBI
- Population and Public Health Sciences | PM
- Primary Care Physician Assistant | PCPA
- Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine | SCRM
- Translational Genomics | TRGN
Thornton School of Music
- Arts Leadership | ARTL
- Music Technology | MTEC
- Sacred Music | MSCR
- Music Teaching and Learning | MTAL
- Choral Music | MUCM
- Composition | MUCO
- Conducting | MUCD
- Music Ensemble | MUEN
- Music History and Literature | MUHL
- Music Industry | MUIN
- Jazz Studies | MUJZ
- Performance (Early Music) | MPEM
- Performance (Guitar) | MPGU
- Performance (Keyboard Studies) | MPKS
- Performance (Popular Music) | MPPM
- Performance (Strings) | MPST
- Performance (Vocal Arts) | MPVA
- Performance (Winds and Percussion) | MPWP
- Music | MUSC
- Screen Scoring | SCOR
Nursing | NURS
Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Biopharmaceutical Marketing | BPMK
- Biopharmaceutical Sciences | BPSI
- Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics | CXPT
- Healthcare Decision Analysis | HCDA
- Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology | MPTX
- Pharmacy | PHRD
- Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy | PMEP
- Pharmaceutical Sciences | PSCI
- Regulatory Science | RSCI
- Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Science | RXRS
Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy
- Biokinesiology | BKN
- Physical Therapy | PT
Price School of Public Policy
- Aerospace Studies | AEST
- Health Care Management | HMGT
- Military Science | MS
- Nautical Science | NAUT
- Naval Science | NSC
- Policy, Planning and Development | PPD
- Policy, Planning and Development - Expanded | PPDE
- Urban and Regional Planning | PLUS
- Real Estate Development | RED
Dworak-Peck School of Social Work
- On Campus and Hybrid courses | SWKC
- Virtual Academic Center | SWKO
Postdoctoral Fellows | PDF
See another term
Summer 2025
Spring 2025
Fall 2024
Civil Engineering
Data Analysis for Surface Transportation
(4.0 units)
Investigating, analyzing, and incorporating data sources, case studies, and statistical tools to explore surface transportation systems.
7 of 18
Roxana Javid
Information accurate as of
March 3, 2024 5:22 pm
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