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USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2022

Business Administration 306:

Business Finance (4.0 units)

Financial problems of business enterprise; function of financial manager; sources of funds; instruments, institutions, and practices of finance; problems of financial management using case studies. Recommended preparation: foundational courses in microeconomics, financial accounting, and business statistics. Duplicates credit in BUAD 215x and BUAD 308.
    14782R001Lecture10:00-11:50amMonday71 of 74Miao ZhangHOHEDInotesession dates
    14783R001Lecture10:00-11:50amWednesday69 of 70Miao ZhangHOHEDInotesession dates
    14784R001Lecture12:00-1:50pmMon, Wed56 of 59Ricardo De la O,Ekaterina NeretinaHOH1PDF (576515 KB)session dates
    14785R001Lecture2:00-3:50pmMon, Wed57 of 60Ricardo De la O,Ekaterina NeretinaHOH1PDF (576515 KB)session dates
    14786R001Lecture8:00-9:50amTue, Thu53 of 65Wenhao Li,
    Kristy Jansen
    HOH1session dates
    14787R001Lecture10:00-11:50amTue, Thu
    59 of 59
    Wenhao Li,
    Kristy Jansen
    HOH1session dates
    14788R001Lecture12:00-1:50pmTue, Thu56 of 59Wenhao Li,
    Kristy Jansen
    HOH1session dates
    14789R001Lecture4:00-5:50pmTue, Thu59 of 61Ricardo De la O,Ekaterina NeretinaHOH1PDF (576135 KB)session dates
    14790R001Lecture6:00-7:50pmTue, Thu59 of 64Ricardo De la O,Ekaterina NeretinaHOH1PDF (576135 KB)session dates
    14791R001Lecture2:00-3:50pmTue, Thu58 of 59Wenhao Li,
    Kristy Jansen
    HOH1PDF (625582 KB)session dates
    Information accurate as of March 6, 2023 7:39 am.