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USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2022

Italian 220:

Italian III (4.0 units)

Continuation of Italian II. Review of structure of the language, drill in aural and reading comprehension, practice in oral expression.
  • Prerequisite: 1 from (ITAL 150 or ITAL 175)
  • Note: After the first week of classes, all sections will be converted from "R" to "D", requiring instructor approval.The final exam for this course will take place on Saturday, May 7 from 11am-1pm.. NOTE: SECTION #34457 IS A MAYMESTER COURSE IN ROME, ITALY.
34424D001Lecture11:00-11:50amMTuWTh10 of 19Francesca RicciardelliTHH115notesession dates
34426D001Lecture1:00-1:50pmMTuWTh14 of 19Francesca RicciardelliTHH209session dates
34427D088LectureTBATBA15 of 19Antonio IdiniOFF CAMPUSsession dates
34428D001Lecture2:00-2:50pmMTuWTh9 of 19Francesca RicciardelliTHH209session dates
34457D088LectureTBATBA16 of 35Francesca RicciardelliOFF CAMPUSPDF (150394 KB)session dates
Information accurate as of October 6, 2022 11:00 am.