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USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2021

Media Arts and Practice 454:

Advanced Techniques of Spatial Representation (4.0 units)

Studio class exploring spatial perception and advanced techniques of 3-D representation, stereoscopy, panorama, projection mapping, modeling for real-time environments, parametric modeling, and 3-D fabrication.
  • Prerequisite: IML 354
  • Note: UPDATED SPRING 2021 DESCRIPTION: Advances in computer graphics and digital techniques have allowed incredible new possibilities for visualization and imagery, while making such potential more accessible to a wider population. This course looks further into the uses and foundations of 3-D digital imagery, combining project-based learning with historical and cultural context. The class will introduce students to a variety of subjects including interactive 3-D environments, stereoscopy, shaders, and augmented reality on mobile devices.
37448D060Lecture-Lab6:00-8:50pmWednesday5 of 15Todd FurmanskiONLINEPDF (256056 KB)notesession dates
Information accurate as of October 3, 2021 5:01 pm.