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USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2021

Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation 375:

Business and Professional Communication (4.0 units)

Oral and written communication skills demanded in the workplace including informative and persuasive speeches; interviewing; team communication; and training material preparation. Recommended preparation: COMM 204
  • Crosslist: This course is offered by the COMM department but may qualify for major credit in ACAD. To register, enroll in COMM 375.
20576D060Lecture11:00-12:20pmTue, Thu19 of 20Karen NorthONLINEWord (53350 KB)session dates
20577D060Lecture12:00-1:50pmMon, Wed13 of 18Michael WissotONLINEPDF (312992 KB)session dates
Information accurate as of October 3, 2021 5:01 pm.