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USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2020

Biological Sciences 230Lxg:

The Biology of the Brain (4.0 units)

Exploration of the unique properties of brain cells that allow complex perceptions and behaviors; examination of structure and activity of brain cells that underlie function.
  • General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
  • Note: Register for lecture and one lab
13250R060Lecture12:00-12:50pmMWF43 of 60Bruce YazejianONLINEPDF (125198 KB)notesession dates
13253R060Lab10:00-11:50amMonday18 of 20Bruce YazejianONLINEsession dates
13254R060Lab10:00-11:50amFriday12 of 20Bruce YazejianONLINEsession dates
13256R060Lab2:00-3:50pmMonday13 of 20Bruce YazejianONLINEsession dates
Information accurate as of March 15, 2021 8:10 am.