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USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2020

Business Administration 493:

Marshall Honors Research Seminar (2.0 units)

Provides the methodological tools to identify research problems, develop researchable hypotheses, apply appropriate methodologies, conduct research, derive meaningful conclusions from data, write a research proposal. Open only to Business and Accounting students.
  • Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Accounting, Business Administration (Cinematic Arts), Business Administration (East Asian Studies), Business Administration (International Relations), Business Administration (Real Estate Finance), Business Administration
  • Note: Section 15113 is Honors Research Seminar offered by the Marketing Department. ent. Section 15115 is Honors Research Seminar offered by Section 15115 is Honors Research Seminar offered by the Finance and Economics Department. a 3.3 overall GPA, a 3.5 GPA in upper division Section 15118 is Honors Research Seminar offered by the Data Sciences and Operations Department. 20, and complete the application To be eligible to apply, students must have a 3.3 overall GPA, a 3.5 GPA in upper division coursework applied to their major, expect to graduate in December 2020, May 2021 or August 2021, and complete an application. For more information, please contact Marshall Undergraduate Advising and Student Affairs.
15113D001Lecture10:00-11:50amMonday5 of 10Kristin DiehlACC312notesession dates
15115D001Lecture2:00-3:50pmMonday9 of 10Vincenzo QuadriniACC312PDF (250636 KB)notesession dates
15118D001Lecture2:00-3:50pmWednesday1 of 10Milan MiricHOH506PDF (107948 KB)notesession dates
Information accurate as of October 14, 2020 2:01 pm.