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USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2020

Business Administration 490:

Directed Research (1.0-8.0 units, max 12)

Individual research and readings under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Application and proposal required. Not available for graduate credit.
  • Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Junior, Senior
15060D0011.0-8.0LectureTBATBA3 of 20Maureen MchaleOFFICEnotesession dates
15061D0011.0-2.0LectureTBATBA37 of 40Gerald GiaquintaOFFICEnotesession dates
15141D4592.0LectureTBATBA28 of 75Tyrone CallahanOFFICEsession dates
15145D4592.0LectureTBATBA11 of 75Tyrone CallahanOFFICEsession dates
15147D4593.0LectureTBATBA20 of 75Tyrone CallahanOFFICEsession dates
15151D4592.0LectureTBATBA29 of 50Tyrone CallahanOFFICEsession dates
15152D4592.0LectureTBATBA19 of 75Tyrone CallahanOFFICEsession dates
Information accurate as of October 14, 2020 2:01 pm.