USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2019

Law 708:

Contract Drafting, Analysis and Negotiation (2.0-4.0 units)

Covers the fundamentals of reviewing and analyzing business contracts and strategies for negotiating business issues with an emphasis on developing practical skills. Open only to Law students.
  • Restriction: Registration open to the following school(s): Gould School of Law
04003D9682.0Lecture10:00-11:50amMonday19 of 22Stephen Yamaguchi,
Nicolai Schwarz-Gondek
LAW2session dates
04004D9682.0Lecture5:00-6:50pmWednesday30 of 33Daniel BrumerWPH205session dates
04005R9682.0Lecture10:00-11:50amMonday32 of 34Karen CicconeVPD106session dates
04025R9682.0Lecture5:00-6:50pmTuesday16 of 20Milene ApanianVKC200session dates
2 of 2
Stephen Yamaguchi,
Nicolai Schwarz-Gondek
LAW2session dates
1 of 1
Daniel BrumerWPH205session dates
04228D5292.0Lecture10:00-11:50amMonday0 of 1Karen CicconeVPD106session dates
1 of 1
Karen Cicconesession dates
Information accurate as of March 9, 2020 7:44 am.
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