Topics in Landscape Architecture: Issues and Practices
Section 11249
- Note:
Investigation of how designers of the built environment in practice respond to the challenges of major climate events. The course will utilize pratice case studies and develop Fire Urbanism concepts in response to California wildfire cataclytic conditions.
This course will meet on the 3rd floor of Watt Hall, MLA corner. - Session Dates (session code 001)
- First day of classes:
- Monday, January 7, 2019
- Last day to add:
- Friday, January 25, 2019
- Last day to change to Pass/No Pass:
- Last day to drop without a mark of "W" and receive a refund:
- Friday, January 25, 2019
- Last day to withdraw without a “W” on transcript or change pass/no pass to letter grade:
- Friday, February 22, 2019
- Last day to drop with a mark of "W":
- Friday, April 5, 2019
- End of session:
- Wednesday, May 8, 2019