USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2019

Architecture 414:

Perspectives in History and Theory in Architecture (2.0 units, max 6)

Focus on one aspect of world history and theory to develop deeper understanding of architecture and urbanism. Topics vary from year to year, may be repeated for credit if subject matter is different.
11437R001Lecture10:00-11:50amMonday13 of 14Faiza MoatasimWAH212notesession dates
11438R001Lecture10:00-11:50amTuesday11 of 14Vittoria Di PalmaHAR115Anotesession dates
11439R001Lecture12:30-2:20pmThursday4 of 14Jason NguyenWAH212notesession dates
11440R001Lecture2:30-4:20pmThursday10 of 14Ginger NolanWAH212notesession dates
Information accurate as of October 9, 2019 8:14 am.
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