USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2018

Writing 529:

Intermediate Screenwriting (2.0 units)

Emphasizes structural elements crucial to the feature film. Techniques for creating an original or adapted theatrical-length script.
12 of 12
Jeffrey HammerSCA362Word (158837 KB)feesession dates
19255D037Lecture7:00-10:00pmWednesday11 of 12David WeberSCA363feesession dates
19256D037Lecture7:00-10:00pmTuesday10 of 12Martin DanielSCI209feesession dates
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Vincent RobertSCA259feesession dates
19423D037Lecture7:00-10:00pmTuesday11 of 12Siavash FarahaniSCB101PDF (173706 KB)feesession dates
Information accurate as of March 11, 2019 8:08 am.
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