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USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2018

Human Biology 420L:

Applied Human Physiology (4.0 units)

The physiology of the respiratory, cardiovascular, renal, musculoskeletal, digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems in humans, with application to human health and pathology. Prerequisite: BISC-220. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 405)
  • Prerequisite: BISC 220
  • Note: Register for lecture and one lab
38488D001Lecture9:00-9:50amMWF77 of 78Kurt KwastWPHB27PDF (285852 KB)notesession dates
38489D001Lab11:00-1:50pmWednesday15 of 16Tamara EspinetPEDB16session dates
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Tamara EspinetPEDB16session dates
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Tamara EspinetPEDB16session dates
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Tamara EspinetPEDB16session dates
Information accurate as of October 3, 2018 10:51 am.