USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2017

Writing 529:

Intermediate Screenwriting (2.0 units)

Emphasizes structural elements crucial to the feature film. Techniques for creating an original or adapted theatrical-length script.
12 of 12
(1 on waitlist)
Wayne PowersSCA362PDF (210158 KB)feesession dates
12 of 12
(1 on waitlist)
Vincent RobertSCA363feesession dates
12 of 12
(1 on waitlist)
Tim CurnenSCI209feesession dates
19257D037Lecture7:00-10:00pmTuesday10 of 12 (1 on waitlist)Jeffrey HammerSCA259PDF (144597 KB)feesession dates
19423D037Lecture7:00-10:00pmTuesday11 of 12 (1 on waitlist)Siavash FarahaniSCB101PDF (204249 KB)feesession dates
Information accurate as of March 4, 2018 4:29 pm.
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