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Schedule of Classes
University of Southern California
Summer 2017
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Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
- Art History | AHIS
- American Language Institute | ALI
- American Studies and Ethnicity | AMST
- Anthropology | ANTH
- Astronomy | ASTR
- Biological Sciences | BISC
- Chemistry | CHEM
- Comparative Literature | COLT
- Thematic Option | CORE
- Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture | CSLC
- East Asian Languages and Cultures | EALC
- East Asian Studies | EASC
- Economics | ECON
- English | ENGL
- Environmental Studies Program | ENST
- French | FREN
- Geography | GEOG
- Geological Sciences | GEOL
- German Studies | GERM
- Gender Studies | SWMS
- History | HIST
- Human Biology | HBIO
- International Relations | IR
- Italian | ITAL
- Linguistics | LING
- Mathematics | MATH
- Multidisciplinary Activities | MDA
- Neuroscience | NEUR
- Neuroscience - Graduate | NSCI
- Ocean Sciences | OS
- Physical Education | PHED
- Philosophy | PHIL
- Physics | PHYS
- Political Science | POSC
- Psychology | PSYC
- Religion | REL
- Registrar's Office | RNR
- Slavic Languages and Literatures | SLL
- Sociology | SOCI
- Spanish | SPAN
- Spatial Sciences | SSCI
- University of Southern California | USC
- Writing | WRIT
Leventhal School of Accounting
Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation
Marshall School of Business
- Accounting | ACCT
- Business Entrepreneurship | BAEP
- Business Administration | BUAD
- Business Communication | BUCO
- Data Sciences and Operations | DSO
- Finance and Business Economics | FBE
- Graduate School of Business Administration | GSBA
- Library and Information Management | LIM
- Marketing | MKT
- Management and Organization | MOR
Bovard College
Cinematic Arts
- Cinematic Arts | CNTV
- Animation | CTAN
- Cinema and Media Studies | CTCS
- Interactive Media | CTIN
- Production | CTPR
- Writing | CTWR
- Media Arts and Practice | IML
Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
- Communication Management | CMGT
- Communication | COMM
- Digital Social Media | DSM
- Journalism | JOUR
- Public Relations | PR
- Public Diplomacy | PUBD
Kaufman School of Dance
Ostrow School of Dentistry
- Dentistry | DENT
- Craniofacial Biology | CBY
- Dental Hygiene | DHYG
- Dental Problem Based Learning | DPBL
- Geriatric Dentistry | GDEN
- Orofacial Pain | OFP
- Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine | OFPM
- Oral Pathology and Radiology | OPR
- Periodontics | PERI
Rossier School of Education
- Higher and Postsecondary Education | EDHP
- Education | EDUC
Viterbi School of Engineering
- Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering | AME
- Astronautical Engineering | ASTE
- Biomedical Engineering | BME
- Chemical Engineering | CHE
- Civil Engineering | CE
- Computer Science | CSCI
- Electrical Engineering | EE
- Environmental Engineering | ENE
- Engineering | ENGR
- Industrial and Systems Engineering | ISE
- Informatics | INF
- Information Technology Program | ITP
- Materials Science | MASC
- Petroleum Engineering | PTE
- Systems Architecting and Engineering | SAE
Roski School of Art and Design
- Art | ART
- Critical Studies | CRIT
- Design | DES
- Fine Arts | FA
- Ceramics | FACE
- Critical Studies | FACS
- Design | FADN
- Intermedia | FAIN
GE Requirements for Students Beginning College Before Fall 2015
- Category I: Western Cultures and Traditions | WCT
- Category II: Global Cultures and Traditions | GCT
- Category III: Scientific Inquiry | SCIN
- Category IV: Science and Its Significance | SCIS
- Category V: Arts and Letters | ARLT
- Category VI: Social Issues | SI
GE Requirements for Students Beginning College in Fall 2015 or Later
- Category A: The Arts | ARTS
- Category B: Humanistic Inquiry | HINQ
- Category C: Social Analysis | SANA
- Category D: Life Sciences | LIFE
- Category E: Physical Sciences | PSC
- Category F: Quantitative Reasoning | QREA
- Category G: Citizenship in a Diverse World | GPG
- Category H: Traditions and Historical Foundations | GPH
- General Education Seminar | GESM
Davis School of Gerontology
Graduate Studies | GRSC
Keck School of Medicine
- Academic Medicine | ACMD
- Anesthesiology | ANST
- Biochemistry | BIOC
- Cancer Biology & Genomics | CBG
- Development, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine | DSR
- Interdepartmental | INTD
- Medicine | MED
- Medical Biology | MEDB
- Medical Sciences | MEDS
- Molecular Microbiology and Immunology | MICB
- Medical Physiology | MPHY
- Molecular Structure & Signaling (MSS) | MSS
- Pathology | PATH
- Preventive Medicine | PM
- Primary Care Physician Assistant | PCPA
Thornton School of Music
- Arts Leadership | ARTL
- Music Technology | MTEC
- Music Teaching and Learning | MTAL
- Composition | MUCO
- Conducting | MUCD
- Music History and Literature | MUHL
- Music Industry | MUIN
- Jazz Studies | MUJZ
- Performance (Early Music) | MPEM
- Performance (Guitar) | MPGU
- Performance (Keyboard Studies) | MPKS
- Performance (Popular Music) | MPPM
- Performance (Strings) | MPST
- Performance (Vocal Arts) | MPVA
- Performance (Winds and Percussion) | MPWP
- Music | MUSC
Nursing | NURS
Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
- Healthcare Decision Analysis | HCDA
- Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology | MPTX
- Pharmacy | PHRD
- Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy | PMEP
- Pharmaceutical Sciences | PSCI
- Regulatory Science | RSCI
Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy
- Biokinesiology | BKN
- Physical Therapy | PT
Price School of Public Policy
- Global Policy, Planning and Development | GPPD
- Health Care Management | HMGT
- Policy, Planning and Development | PPD
- Policy, Planning and Development - Expanded | PPDE
- Urban and Regional Planning | PLUS
- Real Estate Development | RED
Dworak-Peck School of Social Work
See another term
Fall 2025
Summer 2025
Spring 2025
Doctoral Dissertation
(2.0 units)
Credit on acceptance of dissertation.
2 of 20
Information accurate as of
February 16, 2018 7:53 am
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