USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2017

Spanish 260:

Advanced Spanish: Arts and Sciences (4.0 units)

Development of students' oral and writing skills using literary and scientific materials; grammar review. Duplicates credit in the former SPAN 266.
  • Prerequisite: SPAN 220
  • Note: Advanced Spanish: Arts and Sciences
00350D612LectureTBATBA9 of 40Jane CodyOFFICEnotesession dates
62200R001Lecture9:30-10:50amTue, Thu
15 of 15
Maria Mercedes Fages AgudoTHH117session dates
62201R001Lecture6:00-7:20pmTue, Thu
15 of 15
Carolina Castillo Larrea,
Maria Mercedes Fages Agudo
THH121PDF (155759 KB)session dates
15 of 15
Lori MesrobianWPH103session dates
Information accurate as of October 3, 2017 5:56 pm.
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