USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2015

International Relations 150xg:

Environmental Issues in Society (4.0 units)

Exploration of the major social, political, economic, religious, and philosophical disagreements that exist between scholars, leaders, and citizens concerning today's most serious environmental issues and problems. Not available for credit to environmental studies majors and minors.
  • General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
  • Crosslist: This course is offered by the ENST department but may qualify for major credit in IR. To register, enroll in ENST 150.
  • Note: Register for lecture and one discussion
33005R001Lecture10:00-10:50amMWF96 of 100David Ginsburg,Ekaterina SvyatetsMRF340PDF (1361362 MB)notesession dates
25 of 25
Jill SohmSOSB48session dates
33007R001Discussion1:00-1:50pmFriday22 of 25Jill SohmVKC160session dates
33008R001Discussion1:00-1:50pmWednesday24 of 25Jill SohmWPHB26session dates
25 of 25
Jill SohmVKC161session dates
Information accurate as of March 7, 2016 8:09 am.
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