USC Schedule of Classes

Fall 2015

Chemistry 350g:

Molecular Principles of Biochemistry (4.0 units)

Biomolecular structures, protein and nucleic acid chemistry and functions, carbohydrates, lipids, membranes, enzyme catalysis and kinetics, coenzymes, biochemical signaling, major metabolic pathways, control of gene expression, replication, transcription and translation. Prerequisite: CHEM 105b or CHEM 115b. Corequisite: CHEM 322a or CHEM 325a. Recommended preparation: BISC 220 or BISC 221.
  • Prerequisite: 1 from (CHEM 105b or CHEM 115b)
  • Corequisite: 1 from (CHEM 322a or CHEM 325a)
  • General Education: This course satisfies the university's general education requirement.
  • Note: Register for lecture and one discussion. This course carries GE credit but it is intended for a specific group of students rather than a general student audience. If you wish to be put on the wait list for this class, email your name and USC ID # to and indicate which DISC section (11 or 12).
17520D001Lecture9:30-10:50amTue, Thu58 of 68Chiho MakTHH210notesession dates
17522D001Discussion11:00-11:50amWednesday27 of 34VKC157session dates
17524D001Discussion12:00-12:50pmWednesday31 of 34VKC157session dates
Information accurate as of March 7, 2016 8:09 am.
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