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USC Schedule of Classes

Spring 2015

Accounting 462:

Detecting Fraudulent Financial Reporting (2.0 units)

Understanding/identifying methods of fraudulent financial reporting, and signals that financial statements were fictitiously prepared; major frameworks for analyzing ethical dilemmas; reforms in corporate reporting environment.
  • Prerequisite: 1 from (ACCT 370 or ACCT 370B or ACCT 415)
  • Note: To see session dates for this class, click on the calendar icon under Info
14184D431Lecture12:00-1:50pmMon, Wed43 of 45Cecil JacksonHOH421Word (68453 KB)notesession dates
14185D431Lecture2:00-3:50pmMon, Wed40 of 45Cecil JacksonHOH421Word (41933 KB)notesession dates
14186D431Lecture4:00-5:50pmMon, Wed28 of 45Cecil JacksonHOH421Word (41933 KB)notesession dates
Information accurate as of October 4, 2015 4:49 pm.