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Architecture (ARCH)
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Introduction to principles and processes; sequence of exercises emphasizing development of basic skills, ideas, and techniques used in the design of simplified architectural projects.
- Note: For ARCH majors only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11200D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 2:00-5:50pm | Monday | 128 of 155 | Lee Olvera | WAHB10 | ||
1:00-5:50pm | Thursday | WAH1 |
Introduction to the ways architecture is created and understood, for minors and non-majors. Hands-on discussion and laboratory session with some drawing and model building. Not available for credit to architecture majors.
- Note: For non-ARCH majors only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11202R | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:50pm | Tuesday | 25 of 28 | Susanna Seierup | WAH1 | ||
11355R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Tuesday | 14 of 16 | Susanna Seierup | HAR115 |
Introduction to the ways architecture represents aspirations of culture, satisfies practical and spiritual needs, shapes the social and urban environment, and helps preserve the planet.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11203R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Monday | 153 of 185 | Kim Coleman, Kara Bartelt | HAR101 |
Continuing development of principles and processes: sequence of projects selected to broaden awareness of design issues at various scales in the urban context. Prerequisite: 102abL.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 102b
- Note: For ARCH majors only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11204D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 2:00-5:50pm | MWF | 109 of 120 | Paul Tang, Andrew Liang | HAR205 |
Introduction for the non-programmer to the uses of the computer inarchitecture, including the application of existing programs and their implications for design. Lecture and laboratory. Overview and use of software types.
- Note: Course meets first 8 weeks of semester.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11207R | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 10:00-11:50am | Mon, Wed | 13 of 30 | Karen Kensek | WPHB36 | PDF (291531 KB) |
Investigation and design of elements and systems for buildingstructures; applied mechanics, strength of materials, structuralinvestigation as a design tool. Recommended preparation: PHYS 125 and MATH 108
- Note: Register for lecture and one lab
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11209D | 001 | Lecture | 2:00-3:20pm | Tue, Thu | 110 of 125 | G Schierle | HAR101 | PDF (27624 KB) | |
11210R | 001 | Lab | 3:30-4:20pm | Thursday | 33 of 33 | G Schierle | GFS222 | ||
11211R | 001 | Lab | 3:30-4:20pm | Thursday | 28 of 30 | G Schierle | VKC260 | ||
11212R | 001 | Lab | 3:30-4:20pm | Thursday | 27 of 30 | G Schierle | VKC256 | ||
11213R | 001 | Lab | 3:30-4:20pm | Thursday | 21 of 31 | G Schierle | THH110 |
History of building and cities, social, political, technical, formal, aesthetic dimensions in western and non-western traditions: Renaissance to present.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 214A
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11214D | 001 | Lecture | 4:30-6:20pm | Tue, Thu | 107 of 130 | James Steele | HAR101 |
Ideas, problems, and computations related to the design of buildings in response to the thermal and atmospheric environment; passive solar systems, mechanical control systems.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11215D | 001 | Lecture | 9:30-10:50am | Tue, Thu | 109 of 125 | Pablo La Roche | HAR101 |
The architect's sketchbook as a portable laboratory for perceiving and documenting space introduces the study of the built environment. On-site sessions develop drawing, observation, and visualization skills. Not for professional elective credit for architecture majors.
- Note: For non-ARCH majors only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11216R | 001 | Lecture | 12:00-1:50pm | Tuesday | Canceled | Miller Fong |
An intensive historical overview of architecture from prehistory to the present, emphasizing interrelationships of various global cultures and how social considerations were translated into form. Not available for credit to architecture majors.
- Note: For non-ARCH majors only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11219R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Tue, Thu | 10 of 22 | Diane Ghirardo | WAH212 |
Introduction for the non-programmer to the uses of the computer in architecture, including the application of existing programs and their implications for design. Management of computer systems. Lecture and laboratory. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 207b.) Recommended preparation: ARCH 207 or equivalent computer experience.
- Note: Course meets second 8 weeks of semester.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11221R | 001 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 17 of 30 | Karen Kensek | OFFICE | PDF (303641 KB) |
Historical overview and theoretical discussion of selected cities, urban spaces and buildings from ancient Rome to the present it Italy. Pre-requisite for Milan/Como program.
- Note: Required for all students participating in Como,Italy study abroad program.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11223D | 001 | Lecture | 6:30-8:50pm | Monday | 25 of 31 | Graeme Morland | WAH1 |
Problems and processes of design of building structures; structural investigation for design; codes and standards; design of elements and systems of wood, steel, masonry, and concrete for gravity and lateral loads.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 213A
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11224D | 001 | Lecture | 11:00-12:20pm | Tue, Thu | 107 of 125 | Jeff Guh | HAR101 |
(Study abroad programs only) Study of the relationships between places and culture through readings, lectures, discussion and weekly field trips.
- Note: Enrollment is limited to students participating in the France study abroad program only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11226D | 428 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 14 of 14 | Selwyn Ting, Peter Zellner | OFF CAMPUS |
Introduction to 300 species of plantings. Learn visual characteristics, nomenclature, cultural considerations, and design applications through visits to existing gardens.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11230R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Mon, Wed | Canceled |
Selected areas of specialization; three projects chosen with advisement from a variety of studio offerings that concentrate on different areas of vital concern.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 302B
- Note: For ARCH majors only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11234D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 2:00-5:50pm | MWF | 72 of 100 | Kim Coleman | WAH207 | ||
11235D | 428 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 5 of 5 | Selwyn Ting, Peter Zellner | OFF CAMPUS |
Selected areas of specialization; three projects chosen with advisement from a variety of studio offerings that concentrate on different areas of vital concern.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 402A
- Note: For ARCH majors only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11236D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 2:00-5:50pm | MWF | 8 of 15 | Kim Coleman | WAH207 | ||
11237D | 428 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | Canceled | Selwyn Ting, Peter Zellner | TBA |
Selected areas of specialization; three projects chosen with advisement from a variety of studio offerings that concentrate on different areas of vital concern. Prerequisite: 302L.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 402B
- Note: For ARCH majors only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11238D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 2:00-5:50pm | MWF | 71 of 100 | Kim Coleman | WAH207 | ||
11239D | 428 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 9 of 9 | Selwyn Ting, Peter Zellner | OFF CAMPUS |
Investigation of computer graphic applications, emphasizing the role of computers in helping designers create and communicate using color (rendering), form (modeling), and time (animation) and the implications of future technological advancements.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 207B
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11242D | 001 | Lecture | 9:00-11:50am | Friday | Canceled | Karen Kensek |
Investigation of natural force effects and their relationships to architecture; laboratory work includes drawing, photography, model building and tests on models.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11245R | 001 | Lecture | 9:00-11:50am | Friday | Canceled |
An exploratory study of fundamental and innovative visual communication principles and graphic expression techniques to facilitate the design enquiry process for architects.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 302
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11246R | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 10:00-12:50pm | Thursday | Canceled |
Perceiving and documenting the built environment through the perspective and frame of the camera. Abilities with 35mm and large format cameras, lighting, and black and white lab techniques will be developed. Recommended preparation: knowledge of 35mm camera.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11247R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-12:50pm | Friday | 15 of 21 | Michael Arden | WAH212 |
Field studies using direct observation, site recordings/documentation, analysis and evaluation supplemented by discussions and readings in architecture. Departmental approval. Recommended preparation: core curriculum
- Note: Enrollment is limited to students participating in the France study abroad program only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11248D | 428 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 14 of 14 | Selwyn Ting, Peter Zellner | OFF CAMPUS |
Field studies using direct observation, site recordings/documentation, analysis and evaluation supplemented by discussions and readings in urbanism. Departmental approval. Recommended preparation: core curriculum
- Note: Enrollment is limited to students participating in the France study abroad program only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11249D | 428 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 14 of 14 | Selwyn Ting, Peter Zellner | OFF CAMPUS |
Field studies using direct observation, site recordings/documentation, analysis and evaluation supplemented by discussions and readings in tectonics. Departmental approval. Recommended preparation: core curriculum
- Note: Enrollment is limited to students participating in the France study abroad program only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11250D | 428 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 14 of 14 | Selwyn Ting, Peter Zellner | OFF CAMPUS |
Post-industrial revolution urban environments and dynamic relationships in cities such as Manchester, Paris, St. Petersburg, New York, and Los Angeles, as revealed in novels, architecture, and urban forms.
- Diversity: This course satisfies the university's diversity requirement.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11253R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Mon, Wed | 26 of 30 | Diane Ghirardo | HAR102 |
Concepts and strategies for preservation of significant elements of the built environment: buildings, sites and communities as revealed by readings, site visits, and case studies.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11256R | 001 | Lecture | 6:30-9:50pm | Tuesday | 22 of 40 | Kenneth Breisch | HAR102 |
Provides understanding of design of landscape in the Western world. Includes case studies on general and specific projects. Students develop personal theory of landscape design.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11260R | 001 | Lecture | 4:00-7:50pm | Thursday | 11 of 25 | Douglas Campbell, Regula Campbell | HAR115 |
Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Junior, Senior
Section | Session | Units | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11261D | 001 | 2.0-8.0 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | James Steele | TBA | ||
11262D | 001 | 2.0-8.0 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 2 of 1 | Charles Lagreco, Bob Harris,Jeff Guh | OFFICE | ||
11263D | 001 | 2.0-8.0 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | TBA | |||
11264D | 001 | 2.0-8.0 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | TBA |
The final comprehensive architectural project under the guidance of a faculty advisor to demonstrate the architectural knowledge, skills and professional interests and goals.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 502A
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11277D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 3 of 4 | Amy Murphy | OFFICE |
Emphasis on comprehensive architectural design; attention to theories and skills appropriate for practice in contemporary urban conditions. Open to graduate architecture majors only. Recommended preparation: 6 semesters of architecture design
- Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Architecture
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11278D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 2:00-5:50pm | MWF | 14 of 25 | John Mutlow | OFFICE |
Emphasis on comprehensive architectural design; attention to theories and skills appropriate for practice in contemporary urban conditions. Open to graduate architecture majors only. Recommended preparation: 6 semesters of architecture design
- Prerequisite: ARCH 505A
- Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Architecture
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11279D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 2:00-5:50pm | MWF | Canceled |
Fundamental theories and meanings of computation as a technique in architectural design.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11280D | 001 | Lecture | 9:00-11:50am | Friday | 16 of 25 | Karen Kensek | WPHB36 | PDF (534453 KB) |
Assistance for 5th year architecture students in preparing for their final academic requirements in ARCH 501/502abL and covers pre-design, research topics and writing skills. Graded CR/NC.
- Corequisite: ARCH 402C
- Note: Course does NOT earn professional elective credit.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11281D | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Monday | 12 of 30 | Brian Andrews | WAH1 |
Studies of construction system development within the architectural design context; processes and issues of selection, evaluation, optimization, integration, design control, and innovation, Departmental approval.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11283D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 6:30-9:50pm | Monday | 34 of 42 | Leonard Marvin | OHE132 | ||
11288D | 258 | Lecture-Lab | 6:30-9:50pm | Monday | 2 of 3 | Leonard Marvin | OFF CAMPUS |
Issues and problems in the development of structural systems for buildings; design criteria, system choice, design development, optimization, subsystem integration. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11284D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 3:30-7:20pm | Tuesday | 13 of 25 | G Schierle | WAH212 | PDF (15297 KB) |
A compressed course in design criteria and calculation methods for mechanical and passive solar systems (loads, plant system, duct, and storage sizing) and lighting and acoustics (CIE and IES methods, dBA and NC systems). Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11285D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 3:30-7:20pm | Thursday | 20 of 25 | Sandra Brown | WAH212 |
Methodologies and exercises on contextual design and environmentally sound technologies (EST's) applications for the sustainability of urban infrastructures, operative landscapes, and building integration in the urban system.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11356D | 001 | Lecture | 9:00-10:50am | Thursday | 22 of 30 | Thomas Spiegelhalter | HAR102 |
Comparative studies of professional practice between U.S. firms and firms in other countries. Open to international upper-division undergraduate and graduate architecture students only. Graded CR/NC.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 302
- Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Architecture, Landscape Architecture
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Junior, Senior, Freshmen, Sophomore
- Restriction: Registration open to the following school(s): School of Architecture
- Note: For students participating in CPT only.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11286D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 4 of 25 | Sara Loe | TBA |
Design methodology, typology programming, site analysis, budget formulation and pro-forma procedures. Office management, emphasizing professional service and professional ethics as well as project management focusing on the architect's responsibilities during construction.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 302B
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11287R | 001 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Wed, Fri | 104 of 120 | Michael Hricak Jr , Mina Chow | HAR101 |
Lectures, laboratory exercises and field trips introducing basic knowledge of the continually transforming landscape as a base for human settlement.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11293R | 001 | Lecture | 6:30-8:50pm | Thursday | Canceled |
Study of the basic spatial and ingrastructure elements of the city, and how urban places are formed. Typological analysis of buildings, open space and urban patterns.
- Note: Class meets 2nd 8 weeks of the semester at same day and time as ARCH 561.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11348D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 33 of 39 | Vinayak Bharne | HAR102 |
Introduction to materials of landscape construction, including plant species and planting design, site grading and drainage, surface and building materials and assemblies.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11294R | 001 | Lecture | 9:00-11:50am | Tuesday | 16 of 45 | Michael McGowan | HAR102 |
Projects in complex urban settings; collaboration with students in related fields; emphasis on development of integrative schematic proposals as well as detailed open space design.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11291D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 2:00-5:50pm | MWF | 7 of 25 | Gerdo Aquino | OFFICE |
Preservation practice within an economic, political, and cultural context. The regulatory environment, public advocacy and policy, development, heritage tourism, environmental sustainability, cultural diversity and interpretation.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 450
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11292D | 001 | Lecture | 6:30-9:50pm | Thursday | 8 of 25 | Trudi Sandmeier | HAR102 |
Study of the basic spatial and infrastructure elements of the city, and how urban places are formed. Focus on incremental development, public-private collaboration, community incentives and controls, project implementation strategies.
- Note: Class meets 1st 8 weeks of the semester.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11296D | 001 | Lecture | 8:00-9:50am | Mon, Wed | 32 of 39 | Bob Harris | HAR102 | PDF (34379 KB) |
Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11297D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 1 of 2 | Eui-Sung Yi | OFFICE | ||
11298D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 2 of 3 | Sara Loe | OFFICE | ||
11299D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 2 of 2 | James Steele | OFFICE | ||
11300D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 1 of 3 | Kenneth Breisch | OFFICE | ||
11301D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 1 of 1 | Kenneth Breisch | OFFICE | ||
11302D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 1 of 2 | Christy McAvoy | OFFICE | ||
11303D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 6 of 6 | Karen Kensek | OFFICE | ||
11304D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | Diane Ghirardo | TBA | ||
11305D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 1 of 1 | Murray Milne | OFFICE | ||
11306D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 1 of 1 | Karen Kensek | TBA | ||
11307D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | TBA | |||
11308D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | TBA | |||
11309D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | TBA | |||
11310D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | TBA | |||
11311D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | TBA | |||
11312D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | TBA |
Exploration of topics leading to development of a thesis prospectus. Topics may be in the areas of building structures, seismic design, environmental control, passive and active energy, or other relevant topics. Graded CR/NC.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11326D | 001 | Lecture | 11:00-11:50am | Thursday | 8 of 25 | Marc Schiler | HAR102 |
Selected topics in various speciality areas of architecture.
Section | Session | Units | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
Urban Plant Ecology | ||||||||||
11313R | 001 | 4.0 | Lecture | 10:00-11:50am | Mon, Wed | 8 of 25 | Karen Adnoff | WAH212 | PDF (69480 KB) | |
Special Topics in Building Science | ||||||||||
11314R | 001 | 2.0 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 35 of 40 | Karen Kensek | OFFICE | PDF (439474 KB) | |
Stewarship of the Frank Lloyd WrightfREEMAN hOUSE: A Plan for the Future | ||||||||||
11325R | 001 | 2.0 | Lecture | 9:00-10:50am | Tuesday | 7 of 25 | Christy McAvoy, Kenneth Breisch | OFFICE |
Development of advanced skills and theoretical knowledge about urban architectural issues: a series of projects emphasizing the interaction between general principles and local sites.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11327D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 2:00-5:50pm | MWF | 20 of 30 | Judith Mussel, Eui-Sung Yi | OFFICE |
Design criteria development, material and construction process methods, occupancy based load profiles, performance/material life-cycle-mandates, durability for advanced building systems including integrity in sustainable urban systems.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11329D | 001 | Lecture | 7:00-9:50pm | Monday | 12 of 31 | Gail Borden | HAR102 |
Graded CR/NC.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11331D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | Canceled | TBA |
Introduction to, and exploration of, topics leading to the development of a thesis prospectus and directed research towards the completion of the master's thesis in historic preservation. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Registration restricted to Master of Historic Preservation students who have satisfactorily completed 12 hours of graduate course work and have permission of the Program Director. Graded IP/CR/NC.
- Prerequisite: (ARCH 553 and ARCH 450)
- Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Historic Preservation
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11333D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | 3 of 15 | Kenneth Breisch | OFFICE |
Introduction to, and exploration of, topics leading to the development of a thesis prospectus and directed research towards the completion of the master's thesis in historic preservation. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Registration restricted to Master of Historic Preservation students who have satisfactorily completed 12 hours of graduate course work and have permission of the Program Director. Graded IP/CR/NC.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 691A
- Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Historic Preservation
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11334D | 001 | Lecture | TBA | TBA | Canceled | Kenneth Breisch | TBA |
Introduction to, and exploration of, topics leading to the development of a thesis prospectus and directed research towards the completion of the master's thesis in historic preservation. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Registration restricted to Master of Historic Preservation students who have satisfactorily completed 12 hours of graduate course work and have permission of the Program Director. Graded IP/CR/NC.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 691B
- Restriction: Registration open to the following major(s): Historic Preservation
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11335D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 3 of 25 | Kenneth Breisch | OFFICE |
Research and thesis for the Master of Building Science degree. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11336D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | 2:00-5:50pm | MWF | 14 of 25 | Marc Schiler | OFFICE |
Research and thesis for the Master of Building Science degree. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 692B
- Restriction: Registration open to the following class level(s): Master Student
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11338D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 3 of 25 | Marc Schiler | OFFICE |
Directed research option of M.Arch. degree. Credit on acceptance of research project. Graded IP/CR/NC.
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11339D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 1 of 25 | Bob Harris | OFFICE |
Directed research option of M.Arch. degree. Credit on acceptance of research project. Graded IP/CR/NC.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 693A
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11340D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | 4 of 25 | Bob Harris | OFFICE |
Directed research option of M.Arch. degree. Credit on acceptance of research project. Graded IP/CR/NC.
- Prerequisite: ARCH 693B
Section | Session | Type | Time | Days | Registered | Instructor | Location | Syllabus | Info |
11341D | 001 | Lecture-Lab | TBA | TBA | Canceled | Bob Harris | TBA |